An image of an October 2018 recycling day.
S.A.V.E. (Students Against Violating the Earth) is hosting a
Spring Community Recycling Day on Saturday, April 15, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
Souderton Area High School, located at 625 Lower Road in Souderton.
We will be located at the tennis courts area and will be
accepting various items to help you declutter. Acceptable items include:
- Appliances (ovens, microwaves, dishwashers, though no items
with coolant, such as air conditioning units or refrigerators)
- Car batteries (lead-acid only)
- Scrap metal
- CDs, DVDs, VHS movies, cassette tapes, beta cartridges,
vinyl records,
- Cell phones (working or not, they will be securely
- School supplies (donated to schools in need)
- Art supplies
- Stuffed animals and dolls
- Fish/reptile accessories and tanks
- Usable books (no textbooks, encyclopedias or unusable books)
- Eyeglasses and cases
- Legos (donations benefit the SAHS science department)
- Sporting goods and equipment
- Video game systems, games, and accessories (working or not)
- Flags (will be properly disposed of through the Boy Scouts
of America)
- Garden tools (will be donated to our greenhouse)
We cannot accept televisions, computer monitors, or other
electronics not mentioned above, as well as light bulbs, fluorescent tubes,
household batteries or tires.
Anyone with questions should email [email protected] or call 215-723-2808.
Hope to see you!