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Senator Maria Collett to Host Open House at New Fort Washington Office

(The following information was provided by the office of state Sen. Maria Collett.)

Senator Maria Collett (D-12 Montgomery) is hosting an Open House event on Wednesday, June 14 to celebrate the recent opening of her Fort Washington district office.

“I’m thrilled to welcome community members to our new office,” said Senator Collett. “Situated near the center of the new 12th District and easily accessible from Routes 152, 309, 611 and the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I’m confident this new space will enable us to serve you at the same high level you’ve come to expect from us.”

Featuring foods from restaurants across the 12th District in an informal, festive setting, Senator Collett and her entire staff will be there to listen to suggestions and concerns, answer questions and share stories. They will also be collecting shelf-stable food items for the Seeds of Hope Food Pantry.

See also:

Sen. Collett Announces $389,000 in Grants for Local Fire Companies and EMS Providers

Sen. Collett Announces $5.7 Million in Public Safety, Victims’ Services Grants for Montgomery County

Sen. Collett Announces Over $1.5 Million in Safety and Mental Health Grants for Montco, Bucks

Sen. Collett, Rep. Malagari Announce $250,000 Grant for Whistlestop Park in Montgomery Township

Sen. Collett Calls Out Republican Colleagues on Proposed Constitutional Amendment on Abortion