Lansdale Resident to Begin ‘Dino Runs’ Next Week, Seeks to Raise Morale for Kids

As residents of Lansdale Borough continue to adjust to social distancing and mitigation efforts, one local resident is seeking to brighten up their day with a brief, humorous trip back to the Jurassic period.

43-year-old Zachary Maichuk, who spends his working hours as a psychologist, will soon begin a series of “Dino Runs” across the borough, in an effort to boost morale for both children and adults. On certain days, Maichuk said that he will don his Tyrannosaurus costume while playing the Jurassic Park soundtrack, and run through neighborhoods in an effort to add a little levity to quarantine life.

Maichuk even has a Facebook page set up to track where and when the T-Rex will surface.

“This is not my first pandemic,” said Maichuk. “I used to work in the Peace Corps in areas ravaged by malaria, and there were regular times of the year that were especially difficult when the disease hit its hardest.”

Despite the threat, Maichuk said the people in the malaria-ravaged areas still took time out daily to sing, dance and play.

“In the worst of times, they still took the time for joy and life,” said Maichuk. “I have been looking for ways to encourage that joy and life in this present, difficult time, and every time I put on that suit people respond with joy.”

The Dino Runs are scheduled to begin on Monday, March 30, with the first run encompassing Green Street and Susquehanna Avenue from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m., and the second involving Derstine and Columbia avenues from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. Maichuk added that he wants spectators to continue to maintain social distancing protocols, but he welcomed people to wave and say hello from their windows or porches.

After each run is complete, Maichuk is asking anyone who witnessed the run to post photos and videos to his Facebook page. To learn more about the Dino Run initiative, click here.

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