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Hatfield Historical Society To Display Aerial Photos Of Hatfield History

The Hatfield Historical Society will be showing an updated version of their “A Bird’s-Eye View of Hatfield History” presentation.

The event will take place on June 4 at 7 p.m. at the Hatfield Fire Company Banquet Hall. The showing is free and there will be refreshments provided.

The slideshow features aerial photos showcasing how Hatfield has changed over the years. Information about the history of Hatfield will also be shared along with the photos.

According to Larry Stevens, the president of the Hatfield Historical Society, some of the photos were taken by professional aerial photographers. while others were taken by hobbyists. This presentation includes photos not seen in the 2011 presentation of the same name.

“Those who attended the 2011 presentation indicated that they found it quite interesting,” said Stevens. “Like myself, I think that most people enjoy the different perspectives that aerial photographs provide.”

While this showing is a one-time event, dues-paying members of the History Society can view a video of the presentation on the Hatfield Museum and History Society’s member page.

“It is my hope, as with all of our programs, that people will leave this presentation with more knowledge about, and a greater appreciation for, Hatfield’s history,” said Stevens.

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