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Lansdale Enters Preliminary Data Share Agreement with Waze

With an eye on reducing traffic congestion throughout the borough, Lansdale has entered into a preliminary data-share agreement with the popular software app developer Waze.

“Waze has a belief that they can solve traffic, which is a noble goal,” said Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert, in an interview with North Penn Now. “Their belief is that, if they can further that effort by delivering data to municipalities to help make traffic easier in those communities, then they will have done their part, their good deed for the world.”

Per the preliminary agreement, which is pending review from the borough solicitor, Lansdale Borough would provide Waze with data regarding road closures, traffic accidents, and other municipal data, such as scheduled construction. In return, the borough would receive traffic flow data that highlights where and when congestion takes places, and what the borough can do to ease that congestion over time.

The agreement follows a meeting between Lansdale Borough Police Chief Michael Trail and officials from Waze.

“When the train comes through, it’s a challenge. Traffic backs up,” said Herbert. “The data from Waze can show us how that changes our traffic pattern, which streets people are using to avoid the train. A lot of us can anecdotally say that we know that it happens and we see it happen, but having hard data stating that nine times out of ten, drivers are taking a certain road…that’s a game changer for us.”

If the agreement is approved, the data-share will begin sometime later this year, according to Herbert, who added that there are no fees attached, meaning the borough will incur no costs from the partnership.

“This is the type of progressive step that we can take to managing our infrastructure here in Lansdale,” said Herbert. “It can help our community operate more smoothly, despite the serious challenges we face regarding how our congestion takes place.”

See also:

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