As much as Florida is known for Walt Disney World, it is also known for congested highways and frustrated drivers. Even worse, it is known for truck accidents that cause severe injury.
Passengers are especially at risk when it comes to truck accidents in the state. They account for nearly 75% of injuries and deaths.
Those huge trucks that take up all the space on Florida's highways are built to carry freight. They are designed to move heavy loads from one place to another. Moreover, the truck cab is designed to accommodate truck drivers. This is why extra passengers are not fully protected.
Cars are built for drivers and passengers, which is a stark contrast. They have extensive safety features like airbags, steel frames, seatbelts, and alert systems.
When people ride in trucks, they don't necessarily have these safety features. If an accident happens, these passengers may be severely hurt.
It is, however, also true that if a truck strikes a car, the car's passengers will also be seriously injured. Cars cannot match the power and weight of a careening truck, and they certainly cannot withstand it.
Some older large trucks only have seat belts for the driver. Extra passengers may have a lap belt or no belt at all.
If the truck stops abruptly to avoid an accident, passengers may be thrown around in the cab. A passenger may be flung through the windshield if the truck hits another vehicle at high speed.
From a car driver's perspective, this type of accident will also be devastating. If a truck sideswipes or T-bones a car, the impact can fling passengers out of the windows. This typically happens when passengers do not wear seatbelts.
Truck cabins are also quite small compared to the rest of the vehicle. For this reason, these cabins may not be able to protect passengers in an accident.
Truck cabins are often crushed on impact, so they don't absorb the shock of a collision. A crushed cabin means a severely injured driver and passengers.
Passenger cars, on the other hand, usually have crumple zones. This helps lessen a crash's impact on everyone inside the vehicle.
Still, if a truck smashes into a car, even a crumple zone may not protect the driver and passengers.
When a truck crashes into another car, wall, or barrier, the forces involved in the collision become very strong. A small shift in position inside the cab can result in severe injuries.
A violent truck crash can also cause it to jackknife or rollover. Such accidents will have devastating consequences for those inside.
Passengers, whether in a truck or a car hit by a truck, are always exposed to these strong forces. This is especially true for cars, as the lighter structure can be destroyed.
Trucks crash in Florida due to several reasons. Sometimes, the weather doesn't help the situation. Heavy rain and strong winds can quickly reduce a driver's ability to handle a truck.
Wet roads can also cause a truck to skid, which is bad news for other road users. As the weather worsens, the chance of a severe accident increases. Truck and car passengers are far more likely to be injured.
Drivers should be even more careful driving in bad weather. This can help them protect passengers from harm.
Truck crashes also happen because of human error. Some drivers are fatigued or distracted while on the road. Others drive too fast and make dangerous mistakes.
Sometimes, truck drivers work longer hours than they should. This can cause them to doze off behind the wheel, resulting in a massive accident.
The sad reality is that passengers in both trucks and cars have no control over this. In all circumstances, passengers must trust that a driver is alert and careful. Their dependence on a driver makes them even more vulnerable to injury and harm.
There are several laws governing trucks and transport. However, these regulations tend to focus on the cargo itself and the driver. There are rules for truck maintenance, driver training, and rest periods.
In all of the regulations, very few laws cover extra passengers. In Florida, laws for passenger safety in trucks are not as comprehensive as those for cars. This usually means that extra passengers are less protected when an accident happens.
There should also be a stronger focus on the vulnerability of car passengers in truck accidents. As explained, cars are designed to protect all occupants. However, even car safety features cannot prevent passengers (and the driver) from injury in a truck accident. The sheer size and weight of a truck will completely overwhelm these features.
Passengers can take several steps to stay safer on the roads. For instance, a passenger should confirm that the vehicle can carry extra passengers before getting into a truck. At the very least, safety equipment and a proper seat belt should be provided.
Drivers of passenger cars in Florida should always consider the size difference of trucks while on the road. Moreover, passengers should only sit in a seat that has a seatbelt. Passengers can also help drivers keep an eye out for large trucks.
Florida highways will always be filled with trucks and cars. This congestion will continue to increase. Improved safety measures and regulations are required to ensure drivers and passengers are not constantly at risk of harm.
Every road user in the state deserves to be protected, but safety starts with each individual, too. Each driver and passenger must take responsibility for being safe on the roads.
If we can understand how and why passengers remain vulnerable to commercial vehicle accidents, making the roads safer for everyone is more achievable.