Incumbent Councilwoman Rachael Bollens will face off against Discover Lansdale President Bill Henning in May
The Lansdale Democratic Committee announced it has formally endorsed Councilwoman Rachael Bollens for Mayor, ahead of the May Primary where she faces off against Discover Lansdale President and former Councilman Bill Henning.
"The Lansdale Democratic Committee is proud to support and formally endorse Rachael Bollens for Mayor of our great Borough. Rachael has dedicated herself to helping lift up every voice in Lansdale," stated Lansdale Democratic Committee Chairman Jared Rubinsky, on behalf of the Committee. "Her work on Borough Council, across multiple committees, stands as a testament to her commitment to continuing to make Lansdale a better place to live, work, and play. We are excited to support her as our next Mayor and we look forward to her leadership."
Incumbent Democratic Mayor Garry Herbert is not seeking re-election, but is instead running for Bollens's open Ward 1 Borough Council seat. Unless Herbert gains a Republican write-in candidate in November, he will win the seat, as there are two open seats in Ward 1 this year.
Bollens posted on her Facebook that she felt a calling to step into the role, with a vision of action and unity. She supports the working class, small business, and community.
Bollens, 35, who is also a mom raising a young son, was born in Lansdale and graduated North Penn High School Class of 2008. She has four years in accounting, more than a decade in community organization, and more than eight years of communciations and digital advertising, and is an "all around pretty decent human," according to her website.
According to her website:
"As a Lansdale native and borough councilwoman, I have seen both the immense progress and also the struggles and growing pains that our modern borough has faced. It is my goal to build upon this foundation and our proud history to launch our community into the next decade. My vision for mayor includes increasing government accessibility with streamlined and open communication, and fostering a solutions orientated campaign for the borough through deep collaboration, stakeholder building and community organizing. I know, with the right direction and leadership, we can form coalitions, committees, alliances, utilize non profits and convene together to stabilize our budget, improve our local economy, and work together to build the Lansdale of our future."
Challenger Bill Henning
Discover Lansdale member and former Lansdale Borough Councilman Bill Henning, 56, is also running for mayor on the Democratic ticket. Henning is a fourth-generation Lansdale resident and is store manager of Henning's Trains, an 85-plus-year-old Lansdale family-run business.
Henning, a 1986 gradaute of Lansdale Catholic High School, does not yet have a website for the race.
"Please consider supporting me, somebody who has a proven track record with their actions for the good of Lansdale. I always feel actions speak louder than words," Henning posted on his Facebook page.
Henning is a proponent of being the person you want to be.
"Yes, easier said than done, but don't make that a deterrent or excuse. Find the determination and dedication to make it happen. Try not to think too hard about it. Do it. Do it for you. Do it to be the person you want to be," stated a graphic on Henning's mayor campaign.
According to his candidacy announcement, Henning has a strong passion for the community and cares about its success. In running a family business, Henning said he has a strong understanding of the needs for local businesses.
"As Scoutmaster for the past decade, I have practiced honesty and integrity while sharing these values with the youth in our Community. As past President for the Lansdale Historical Society and current Communication Administrator, I am committed to recognizing and preserving our town’s past," he wrote. “As a two-time Borough Councilman, I understand how our local government works and I learned how to use its resources for the good of our residents.”
Henning wrote he wants to make sure Lansdale is the place that residents can proudly say, “I live in Lansdale.”
Primary winner vs. Republican challenger in November
Since Pennsylvania holds closed primaries, only Democrats can vote for either Bollens or Henning in May.
The victor with the most votes will face off against Republican Greg Gilrain, 26, for the open mayor position in the General Election in November.
Gilrain, who works at North Penn School District, is general manager at Blue Tide Express Car Wash, and owns Gilrain's Lawn Care & Landscaping, has no Republican competition in the Primary.