Gerard Angelini and his daughter Scarlett (Credit: The Butcher and Barkeep Facebook)
The restaurant will be closed Wednesday, March 19 for mourning of the Standard Tap veteran and entrepreneur
The Butcher and Barkeep in Lower Salford Township will be closed Wednesday, as employees and owners mourn the death of founding partner Gerard Angelini, of Lower Salford.
"With great sadness we must announce the sudden passing of our dear friend and founding partner Gerard Angelini. He was a friend to many and a loving father to his beloved Scarlett. He will be greatly missed," stated the restaurant on Facebook Wednesday morning.
"Absolutely gut wrenched. Gerard was such a friend to me and my dad back in the early Butcher days. I shared a lot of laughs and good beers with him at that bar. His poor daughter. Prayers for her and all who knew and loved him," wrote Kevin Wasson on the Facebook post.
"He was always welcoming and knowledgeable. What a great loss for B&B and his family and friends," wrote Elizabeth Houston.
"Every once in awhile when someone passes, we think 'I wish I had known him better, because there seemingly was more to enjoy of their being.' This is one of those moments," wrote Frank X. Custer.
"I’m so sorry for this loss. I knew Gerard working with him at the Standard Tap years ago and he was always a great person to be around. Prayers are with his daughter," wrote Holly Scholl.
Back in 2013, Standard Tap veterans Angelini and Cody Ferdinand, and Jeffrey Sacco, former chef of the Craft Ale House in Limerick, opened The Butcher and Barkeep in the Salford Square Shopping Center at the old East End Ale House location. Standard Tap is located in the Northern Liberties section of Philadelphia.
The Butcher and Barkeep is located at 712 Main St. in Harleysville. It is rated 4.5/5 on Google Reviews with 1,468 reviews.