Breaking news: Library discovers it’s been 101 years old for two weeks and nobody noticed!
In what might be the most fashionably late celebration ever, North Wales Area Library just realized we accidentally ghosted our own 100th birthday.
Talk about being lost in a good book — we were so busy reading; we completely missed our centennial. But hey, who doesn’t love a plot twist?
Since we’re already fashionably late (like, a whole year late), we’re embracing our inner rebel and throwing a “Whoops, We’re 101!” celebration.
Because why be conventional and celebrate at 100 when you can be unique and party at 101?
Join us for what might be the most ironically timed birthday party ever: January 16th at 6:30 p.m. We will serve birthday cake and coffee. A star-studded cast have been invited including borough Mayor Neil McDevitt; state representatives Liz Hanbidge, Steve Malagari, and Melissa Cerrato; Upper Gwynedd Township Manager Sandra Zadell; North Wales council President Sal Amato; Montgomery Township manager Carolyn McCreary; the North Wales Area Library Board of Directors, and the public.
For more information on that and other upcoming events, visit or search for “North Wales Area Library” on Facebook.