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Mayoral Musings: Handle With Care Program

"Simply put, the Handle with Care program is a registry residents can sign up for to pre-emptively provide critical information to Lansdale Police in advance of visiting a home."

"Simply put, the Handle with Care program is a registry residents can sign up for to pre-emptively provide critical information to Lansdale Police in advance of visiting a home."

  • Mayoral Musings

Over the last several years Lansdale Police has been dedicated to improving and expanding our services for our community while fully embracing a community policing model that encourages us to be a partner in the development of our community. Our newly redesigned Handle with Care program will allow us to more readily meet the demands of critical needs of residents who may require very specific aid in the event of an emergency.

Simply put, the Handle with Care program is a registry residents can sign up for to pre-emptively provide critical information to Lansdale Police in advance of visiting a home. While some of this information might, or could be, shared on a 911 call, often in an emergency people forget to provide critical data points about the person in distress. This program looks to eliminate that confusion whenever possible and help officers walk into an event with more information from the beginning.

To help make this program accessible, the Handle with Care program is completely digital and easily accessible on our website.

There are no forms to print, just fill out the information requested and hit submit. Additionally, the program is not specific to any one special need. This online portal will make it simple for people to submit and easier for LPD to access information when needed. Critically, if our officers have the information in advance, ideally with a photo to help identify the person on location, it could save precious time during an emergency.

The Handle with Care Registry is open to anyone who resides, attends school, or is employed within Lansdale Borough. Information from the registry will be shared with all emergency personnel who assist our residents with special needs in the event of an emergency event. Critically, all provided information is strictly confidential and will only be utilized by first responders during a call for service.

Ultimately, this is another step in our journey toward becoming a more accessible and community driven police department. We are adapting to the world as it is today with the hope of improving Lansdale as a whole. While the population of people who may need to sign up for this program may be small, the impact on those individuals who do need it could be massive and even, potentially, lifesaving. Through this program our police department is more accessible and response to our community, making our already great home an even better place to live, work, and play.