Common Vaping Habits: How Users Personalize Their Experience

[Image Source: Freepik] 

E-cigarette use among youth has shot up by 1,800% from 2011 to 2019. [Source: Truth Initiative Study] 

It’s the appeal that works to intrigue potential users and hit them at the right spot. The appeal lies in different factors but the common would be flexibility to customize. 

Not only do vaping devices come with features but also prompt users to personalize them. That's how they infuse into vaping habits— the ones that give them pleasure. 

So what are the common vaping habits? This depends on variables like—

  • Device types
  • Flavors
  • Nicotine levels
  • Vaping techniques

Want to get involved in the world of personalized vaping? Start with the vape pod system

Common Vaping Habits

Choose the Right Device

As for vapes– one selling point that always works— is its variety. Manufacturers understood the assignment and produced different types of vaping devices. 

Each comes with individual personalities and gives you a personalized experience. There are multiple pros with a pinch of cons. 

A 2023 study found that most users are into disposables– followed by pods—- then mods. Interestingly, it’s among the new gen. 

As for the personalization, it’s the mods model that wins.


Light, easy-breezy devices. They come pre-charged and pre-filled with a rich, flavorous e-juice and are ‘ready-to-vape’ straight from the packaging. That’s disposable for you. 

Users love disposables for their size and simplicity. Such devices are mostly small and lightweight. This means they are easy to carry. 

Moreover, they are user-friendly. The design is straightforward. It has a battery, a juice-filled tank, and a coil– all in one piece. 

The juice has some moderate nicotine levels. However, the range of strength often comes lower than others. So, it can be suitable for the youth bunch. 

Disposables may not produce massive amounts of smoke. But it’s decent enough to entice the new gen. There’s a puff limit ranging from 600 to over 30,000. The device lasts as long as the puffs. 

You’ll get many flavor options in puff bars. This is another thing that catches the young vapers. 

Although there’s no flexibility to customize, they are quite reasonable. So, you can explore different flavored options after disposing of one.


  • Easy to use
  • Portable
  • No maintenance 


  • No customizing options


A vape with one certain detachable part– the tank. This is what a pod is. 

Pods mainly work through one device with replaceable but proprietary cartridges. The tanks come pre-filled with the e-juice but aren’t re-fillable. 

So once out of juice, you throw away the entire ‘tank’. You can continue vaping with the same device but the tank will be new. 

Such devices are small, lightweight, and easy to use. However, that’s not the only main attraction. Users mainly love pods because they deliver higher nicotine concentrations and give them a different experience. 

The good part is— they produce low to moderate amounts of clouds. This helps balance out the safety level. So, beginners can consider using it—particularly the adult ones. 

Vape pods have good battery life. It can last 1-2 days if used moderately. As it dies, give it an hour to charge. 

With pods, you might have some flexibility to customize, especially with the tanks. Some devices have multiple spare liquid-filled tanks with a variety of flavor options. These give you the scope to personalize the experience. 


  • Moderate flexibility to personalize
  • Convenient to carry
  • Easy to use


  • Limited flavor options 


A device with a burst of customizing options. This is one of the most popular varieties among pro-vapers.

Mods carry all the functionalities that work to enhance— vapor flavor, quality, and production. The term “mods” comes from the word ‘modify. It has several advanced and complicated features. All these give you a big option to personalize and deep vaping experience. 

Some of them are:

  • Variable wattage control
  • Temperature control
  • Adjustable airflow
  • Interchangeable batteries
  • Unlimited flavor options

Such mods have an empty tank. You need to get a separate e-juice to fill up the cartridge. They last longer than the others. Because you can keep refilling the tank with the liquid you bought and vape it. 

The clouds mods produce are massive! You can try different tricks with the device. They also let you personalize throat hits.

The nicotine concentration depends on the juice. It can go up to more than 30mg to take you to a different zone. 

All these benefits have helped make them popular. It’s more prevalent among the adults and the seasoned ones. 

The mods can last 5 to 7 days on a full charge. However, it depends on frequency and model. 


  • Multiple options to personalize
  • High vapor production
  • Advanced features


  • Complicated to use

Selecting Flavors 

Guess the number of flavors you can explore with vape. It’s over 7,000! (NIH, 2017).

Some common ones include— 

  • Fruity
  • Dessert
  • Menthol 
  • Sweets

Most come combined— which gives you a unique flavor to feel. That’s not the end! Some users also try to level up the game. They mix up flavors themselves to personalize their experience and make it unique. 

[Source: Reddit]

Typically, they start with a base flavor and add a bit of other flavors to get the right balance. They might use flavor concentrates or premixed blends to experiment with them. 

Do you love to experiment too? Then, why not give it a try? The scope to pair and personalize the flavors for vaping is unlimited. 

Here’s a chart you can use to check which pairings suit you the best. It’s all about trial and error honestly. 


[Image source: Misteliquid]

Not sure which flavors to mix? GO WILD! Try— 

  • Pineapple with milk (not poisonous)
  • Cola with mint (eruption-free)
  • Bacon with banana
  • Citrus with yogurt 
  • Butter with wasabi

Did it weird you out? It’s okay if you wish to play safe. In that case, consider mixing the common flavors that work well together. For instance—

  • Strawberry, lemon, and menthol.
  • Banana, chocolate, and vanilla.
  • Coffee and menthol 
  • Cherry, candy, and pomegranate 
  • Ginger and guava

Once a flavor combo gets you hooked, it’ll help increase your vaping satisfaction. 

Adjusting Nicotine Levels

Here the e-juice is the main player rather than the device. A good thing is liquids come with different nicotine strengths. Some are even nic-free. 

Effects of Nicotine Levels

Speaking of the level, the e-juice can have nicotine ranging between 0mg and 36mg. Users get different experiences with each. 

The rule of thumb is–

  • The lower the concentration, the lower the intensity of the throat hit. So, the smoother the vaping will be. 

Go the other way round, it’ll be–

  • The higher the percentage, the more intense the throat hit. So, you get a powerful experience. 

User Preferences

If you haven’t bought any liquid, get one depending on your preferences. 

Low to zero concentration is suitable for two kinds of users. 

  • The ones with low or zero nicotine tolerance. 
  • And the ones who just stepped into the vaping world. This means the beginners. 

Higher strengths are for those who–

  • Have a stronger tolerance to nicotine— the pro vapers. 
  • Wish to reduce nicotine intake. Because– starting with a stronger strength, and then reducing the level– works more effectively. 

But what if you’ve bought one? Adjust the nicotine levels then. It’s pretty simple!

If your e-juice is too strong or weak, get another e-juice of a different nic level. Mix them up. This will give you a custom nicotine strength. 

For instance—

Mixing 6mg with 0mg in equal parts will create a 3mg strength. 

If you still don’t know what your preference is— 

  • Start from the lowest level. Then adjust till you find the level that gives you a perfect balance between comfort and content. 

Things will be the opposite if you’re trying to reduce nicotine intake. For that– 

  • Start with a stronger concentration, particularly the one you’re used to. Then, level down slowly. 

[Source: Reddit]

Vaping Techniques

Vaping has multiple techniques but two are most common. 

Direct Lung Hits

It’s just like taking a deep breath of air. 

A direct-to-lung is an inhaling style. It’s as how the term says. DTL means you draw the aerosol directly from the vape to your lungs. 

Such a technique generates bigger clouds. You can get a more intense flavor experience from them. 

They have a certain fanbase. The technique is loved by users who are into stronger throat hits and bolder flavor profiles. 

It usually works best with devices that have–

  • Low-resistance coils (i.e. higher current) 
  • Higher watts.

For instance– mods or sub-ohms! 

Mouth-to-Lung Hits

This mimics the way you smoke a traditional stick! 

Mouth-to-lung is another inhaling style. The hook is you draw the vapor into your mouth, then take it directly to your lungs. 

Yes, DTL also involves the use of your mouth. But with MTL, there’s a pause when you drag it to your mouth before pushing it further. 

Such style doesn’t produce massive clouds but it focuses on flavor. The difference is the throat hits will be minimal. Instead, you get a smoother, controlled vaping experience from MTL. 

It’s popular among users who like gentler vaping. For instance– some beginners or people looking for scope to quit smoking. 

It works best with devices having—

  • Higher-resistance coils. 
  • Lower-wattage devices.

For instance— disposables or pods. 

Tips For Optimizing Vaping Techniques

  • Match Device to Technique– Use mods for DTL and Disposables for MTL. 
  • Adjust Wattage– Level up wattage for stronger vapor and flavor to get DL hits. Lower it to have a smoother MTL experience.
  • Fine-Tune Airflow– More airflow boosts cloud production. Less airflow deepens the flavor.
  • Grab the Right E-Juice– Higher VG liquids are better for DL hits. Higher PG liquids are for MTL hits. So, pick the ratio accordingly. 

Customization and Accessories 

Popular Accessories

Vaping doesn’t come alone. The accessories behind the device do the most part. For instance–

  • Drip tips– the mouthpiece. You can choose the style of the mouthpiece as it comes in different shapes and materials. This helps influence airflow and hit intensity. 
  • Tanks– the chamber that holds your beloved e-juice. The capacity can vary ranging from 2ml to over 8ml. The bigger the tank, the longer experience you get from vaping.
  • Coils– The element that heats the juice and creates clouds. It comes in different resistances that influence the flavor and size of clouds. 

How Users Customize Their Setups

Users do it in multiple ways. Some vapes have various options to customize like the mods and pods. Then again, users often figure out unique ways to personalize the setups. 

Let’s explore the most common customizing factors. Note that, most of them depend on the vape type–

  • Tank Size– Some devices like mods or sub-ohms feature bigger tanks. They hold more e-juice to provide long-term experience. 
  • Coil Types– They experiment with different coil resistances to enjoy customized flavor and vapor production.
  • Drip tips– Users sometimes swap out drip tips to personalize shapes and sizes. This influences airflow to match their preference and comfort. 
  • E-Liquid Flavors– Users mix and match e-liquid flavors to get a unique flavor and personalized experience. 
  • Airflow and Temp Control: They also adjust airflow settings and temp. The airflow adjustment lets them modify the draw and vapor production. Meanwhile, the vape’s temperature control helps them set the maximum coil heating temperature. Both provide a personalized experience. 

The Impact of Personalization on Vaping Satisfaction

Enhanced Enjoyment

Personalizing setup always means enhanced enjoyment. When you pick flavors, nicotine strengths, and accessories that fit your taste, it makes you feel that the vape has been tailored just for you. 

For instance—

  • Mixing flavors gives you a unique experience of quirky notes. 
  • Adjusting airflow and temperature helps make vaping more pleasant. 

Yes. Disappointment occurs when— the vape doesn’t have any customizing option or you set it up without knowing what satisfies you. 

As for the latter, keep experimenting until you find the perfect one. 

The Psychological Effects of Personalization on User Satisfaction

Customizing your vaping experience can boost positive psychological effects. You start thinking that the device is personalized to represent you, 

That’s where the appeal lies. 

Studies mention that users mostly loved certain customizing features like— flavors, nicotine level, and juice ingredient ratio. 

This sense of control results in a more relaxed and fulfilling experience. 

Health and Safety Considerations

Of course, customizing vapes shoots up your ‘feels’ and satisfaction. Then again, don’t go overboard with the privilege. 

Vaping might be considered less harmful than traditional cigarettes. However, some risks remain. For instance— 

The toxic chemicals in vaping can result in several health hazards. It causes severe inflammations in the lungs, liver, bladder, breast, and sometimes in the stomach. It can lead to damage to those organs or cancer. 

Some other issues include— cough, shortness of breath, headache, dizziness, vomiting, nausea and fever.

This mostly happens when you vape without understanding your health conditions, use bad products, or smoke excessively. 

To stay safe–

  • Consult a doctor or experts to know about your health. 
  • Limit vape use
  • Choose proper wattage
  • Buy high-quality products that won’t leak or malfunction. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most popular vaping devices among users?

Depends on the audience. Disposables like Esco bars are the most popular among the new gen whereas box mods like Smok-G are popular among adults. 

How can I choose the best flavor for my vaping needs?

Take a look at your personal taste and note preferences. Try different flavors like some from fruits, some from desserts, and some from other varieties. This can help you choose the best one. 

What nicotine level should I start with if I’m new to vaping?

Always start with the lowest nicotine strength if you’re new to vaping. For instance 3 to 6mg/ml. Then level up gradually. 

How do different vaping techniques affect my experience?

Mouth-to-lung and direct-to-lung vaping techniques work to alter 3 things— throat hit, vapor production, and flavor intensity. These can affect your experience. 

What accessories can enhance my vaping experience?

Accessories like— drip tips, tanks, and coils can enhance flavor, vapor production, customization,-- and finally your experience. 

Are there any safety tips for customizing my vaping setup?

Make sure your setup is compatible. Use quality components. Follow safety guidelines to prevent malfunctions.

What are the common things in vapes?

Common components in vapes are— batteries, tanks, coils, and e-juices.

How does vaping affect your personal life?

Vaping can affect personal life. It can influence social interactions and potentially cause conflicts over smoking preferences.

How does vaping change your appearance?

Vaping can cause minor changes. These include– dry skin, dark lips, or staining on teeth.

How does vaping affect personality?

Vaping can impact personality by influencing social habits and potentially altering self-image or stress levels.

Personalize Your Experience With Vape Deals!

Vapes, especially pods and mods have multiple features that trigger users to exploit them. It’s not the features actually but the custom setup that plays the main part. That’s how it lets them enjoy vaping. 

If you wish to get that delight, explore yourself first and match your needs with the list of vapes and their features in VapeDeal. There you might get yourself a forever friend. 


Chris Bates

Monday, September 16, 2024




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