Legal Support for Long-Term Injury Recovery

Legal processes relative to suits on claims arising from personal injury indubitably takes significant time for the reason that courts are clogged with a significant number of suits, aside from personal injuries. Moreover, suits progress not only through hearing, but also by legal documents, thereby making the entire process more tedious. Due to its complexity, and its nature of being time-constraint, suits become unmanageable especially to one who is suffering from an injury, on top of not having a Personal Injury Lawyer to assist.

Understanding the Claim Process

Claim process is laborious and lengthy. The process includes:

Filing a notice with the insurance company. Generally, a claimant is required to give a notice of the incident to the insurance company within a specific timeframe from the occurrence thereof. Failure to do so may have the effect of outright denial of your claim. 

Submission of the claims, together with the attachments would be next. Like any other claims, it has to be proven with evidence. Hence, prior to submission, gathering of competent evidence shall be done. The evidence includes but is not limited to documentary evidence - medical reports, and police reports; electronic evidence such as photographs and video recordings; and testimonial evidence or those statements of willing and competent witnesses.

Next is negotiation. After submission of claim, negotiations may ensue between the claimant and the insurance company. In this stage, a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer is preferred to act on your behalf to at least neutralize, if not remove the disadvantage the insurance company put you into, for their employment of negotiators who use tricky tactics.

If negotiation fails and there is no settlement mutually agreed, a claim may be filed before the court. In so doing, the court strictly requires compliance with the procedural and substantive requirements for the court to acquire jurisdiction and take cognizance of the suit.

How a Philadelphia Lawyer Prepares you for the Process

While a suit can be filed without the assistance of a lawyer, one is not exempt in complying with what the law substantially and formally requires. With that being said, pursuing a suit or a claim without the assistance of a lawyer can be exasperating, and the commission of mistakes which leads to serious repercussions such as dismissal is apparent. Seeking the help of a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer can indubitably change the outcome of the case. Hence, to competently present your claim, a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer can do the work for you.

A Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer can provide you with an accurate overview of your claim. They also give you approaches on how your claim can be pursued and negotiated. With their knowledge of law, they indubitably have expert understanding not only how the law works, but how such works for you.

One of the difficult parts of the claim process is the gathering of evidence. In this stage,  a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer, with their established network, can help you obtain necessary documents like medical reports, in a format and substance that could competently explain your claim.

Another, negotiation is a stage where competent representation is highly preferred. To reiterate, insurance companies, being a business, employ tactics to significantly reduce the claim, or to deny the same outright, in order to save costs. For that reason,  a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer can competently present and negotiate your claim using their years of experience and expertise in law. 


Finally, where negotiation fails, an action before the court may be resorted to. In such a case,  a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer may help you prepare the complaint, and other needed attachments; and assist you in paying docket fees and such other fees which the law may require for the court to acquire jurisdiction over the suit.

Managing Medical Bills and Expenses During the Case

Unfortunately, some personal injury victims have to consider financial difficulties instead of focusing on recovery. Managing medical bills and expenses while enduring pain is distressing. Therefore, it is vital for one to be knowledgeable of their insurance coverage, for them to know what is covered and subject of reimbursement. 

In case their coverage is not enough to cover the expenses, legal aid from a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer may be sought, who will then assist you in negotiating the financial constraint, not only with the insurance provider, but also with the healthcare provider.


While consulting a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer is discretionary, the necessity thereof is impelled by the complexity of claim processes. With the serious repercussions of mistakes, inactions, and oversight, the service of a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer should be highly referred. Having a competent representation through engaging a Philadelphia Personal Injury Lawyer indubitably gives you peace of mind, and lets you focus more on recovery.


Chris Bates