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Cultural and ethical considerations in business translation

business translation services

Tapping a new market and competing in the global business market is the ultimate dream of every business and entrepreneur. Going global or going home has been the mantra for a long time now in the business world. To tap new opportunities and seek new dimensions, it is important to be vigilant and implement new strategies to flourish and prosper in the business. Business translation services are in high demand these days for seamless global business expansion. When it comes to business translation, a lot of factors are important to be considered for an accurate and precise translation. Cultural and ethical factors are among the most significant aspects of this regard. There are businesses that do not consider addressing cultural complications and overlook the need for cultural context in business translation. However, the facts state otherwise. 

A few of the core cultural features that need to be taken care of in the business translation are;

Values and beliefs

Every region has its distinct business norms and practices. They do business by staying true to their values and beliefs and do not cross cultural boundaries. These people expect the very same from the foreign businesses that tap their market and expand their operations there. All these values and beliefs happen to shape the attitudes and behaviors of the consumers. Values and beliefs must be reflected in the business content and translation as per the preferences of the target audiences. Understanding these differences and respecting them is primarily important for a transparent business translation.

For instance, not all Indian people are into meat, and many claim to be vegan. You can’t advertise the meat products openly, and you have to consider their social values. Likewise, a cow is a sacred figure in the country, and you cannot simply advertise beef in the country, which is why popular fast food chains such as McDonald's, KFC, and others have to localize their marketing campaigns to resonate with the cultural and business norms of the country. 

Social norms

The social norms also vary across cultures. These are different for different businesses in different countries. This influences the people and the way they interact, conduct business, and also perceive messages. People prefer buying from brands that reflect their culture, and any violations or offensive content can make them put off. Therefore, it is extremely crucial to always consider the social norms in business practices, particularly when you are taking your business across borders. Translation services play a vital role in it; however, it is important to consider the social norms while translating business content to contemplate the right business practices from the start. The way people address each other in the business environment also matters. Experts have coined the terms ‘high context’ and ‘low context’. According to the former term, you get to communicate about your reservations and expressions indirectly, whereas low context implies that people communicate directly and clearly without keeping filters. Knowing all about this and implementing these practices while working on translations can help to yield a translation that is transparent, precise, and culturally coherent, resonating with the target audience's values and norms. 

Taboos and sensitivities

You can’t simply do business and market every single product in every country. Asian countries especially have certain taboos, and cultural sensitivities are greatly considered there. You as a business have to identify your target audience and region in terms of cultural and social practices. Certain topics and images are not accepted by audiences in some countries. The translators need to be aware of all these factors while working on the business translation. Additionally, Asian regions, for instance, do not talk about physical intimacy and the products related, openly. They are modest and more into privacy. Not only this, but they also like to keep their diseases and treatments private, particularly if these are conceived due to sexual contact. Hence, depending on your business products, you need to dig in to see if your products are a good choice for your intended target region, or else your business could fall flat. 

Colors and symbolism 

Colors can also have different indications in different regions. Your business branding in American or European countries can be perceived differently in Asian or African countries. The colors could hold different prominence. Red, for instance, is taken as a color of danger in Middle Eastern countries. However, it is a positive color in Western business culture, and when they combine it with green, it creates festive vibes such as Christmas. On the contrary, red symbolizes happiness, joy, and luck in Chinese culture. Blue indicates safety and trust in Western culture, is also used by many banks, and is a color used in police uniforms to build a relationship of trust and reliability. Therefore, cultural and ethical reasons should be taken into consideration while getting official documents translation services, as the colors, formats, and layout of business documents could also differ for various regions.


Business norms and practices can vary with the regions, which is why it is imperative to work on business translation vigilantly while considering all the social values and cultural factors. Looking into values and beliefs, social norms, taboos, sensitivities, and colors and their symbolism can help with better and more accurate business translation. 


Chris Bates