Flier showing 15 historic buildings in Lansdale that will be highlighted during a “Main Street Survivors” tour on Saturday, Aug. 26 2023. (Photos courtesy of Lansdale Historical Society)
Tuesday presentation free to public
The Lansdale Historical Society’s community meeting Tuesday will be Preserving Historic Downtown Lansdale.
Society members plan to present background information about the borough’s ongoing initiative to identify historic commercial buildings and develop a plan for preserving the outward appearance of the most significant buildings.
“We’ll also describe several notable buildings in the downtown area and focus on their most important exterior historical features,” said LHS President Pat Rieker.
Historical preservation in town was discussed at length in 2023, as the borough learned of the closure of the now-former Wells Fargo bank branch building at Main Street and Susquehanna Avenue in August 2023, followed by the September closing of the Rite Aid pharmacy at Main and Broad streets, stirring memories of the Tremont Hotel that stood on that corner from the 1890s to 1997.
Throughout that summer, the Lansdale Historical Society called on council to consider several changes, including restrictions on demolition permits and creation of a new historic district, meant to preserve historic buildings, and LHS members highlighted ‘Main Street Survivors’ in a walking tour of downtown. Over the subsequent months, LHS members have helped the town develop a registry of historic properties, and have continued talks on that possible code.
The 7 p.m. event on Tuesday at borough hall, 1 Vine Street, will include an update on those efforts, Rieker said.
“Our purpose in presenting the program is to heighten community awareness of some of our historic properties and illustrate existing examples of responsible preservation, such as Montella’s Sports Pub and Chantilly (Moyer Building),” she said.
And save the date: LHS will offer their annual ‘Holiday Historic House Tour’ throughout the town on Saturday, Dec. 14, from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. Anyone who has a vintage home, located within Lansdale and built in the mid-20th century or earlier, and who would be willing to decorate and open part of their home to others for the holidays, can contact the society at info@lansdalehistory.org.
For more information call (215) 855-1872, visit www.LansdaleHistory.org or search for “Lansdale Historical Society” on Facebook.
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