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Mayoral Musings: Memorial Day parade and ceremony a success thanks to VFW, local veteran organizations

"We are all better for their commitment to ensuring we honor those who have served our country and everyone who calls Lansdale home."

"We are all better for their commitment to ensuring we honor those who have served our country and everyone who calls Lansdale home."

  • Opinion

As always, I would like to thank the VFW and all our local veteran organizations for helping to organize, plan, and prepare both the parade and this ceremony. Their hard work and passion are a testament to our community, and we are all better for their commitment to ensuring we honor those who have served our country and everyone who calls Lansdale home.

The following is the speech I shared with everyone on Memorial Day at our annual remembrance event in Memorial Park:

Today, we gather to observe Memorial Day, a solemn day of remembrance for the brave men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice in service to our nation. As we stand here, let us reflect not only on their sacrifice but also on the values they fought to protect—values that define the very essence of our country: liberty, justice, and democracy.


To truly honor those who have fallen, we must recommit ourselves to the principles they held dear. Their sacrifice calls us to action, to be active stewards of the freedoms and rights they defended. First and foremost, this means engaging in our civic duties. Voting, participating in local government, and staying informed about the issues that shape our society are fundamental ways we can honor their legacy. Our democracy thrives when its citizens are involved, vigilant, and dedicated to the common good.


But our duty does not end there. For the strength of our nation lies in the bonds we form with one another. By volunteering, supporting local initiatives, and working together to address the needs of our neighbors, we build a society that reflects the unity and resilience of our armed forces. In these acts of service, we not only honor those who have fallen but also ensure that their spirit of camaraderie and selflessness lives on.


Lastly, we must stand united against tyranny in all its forms. The individuals we honor today fought to protect us from oppression, and it is our duty to continue this fight. Whether it’s defending human rights, advocating for social justice, or speaking out against injustice, we must remain vigilant and courageous. By doing so, we uphold the ideals that our fallen heroes died defending.


As we lay flowers, fly our flags at half-staff, and pause for moments of silence, let us remember that our actions are the truest memorial. Let us live each day with a renewed sense of purpose, dedicated to the ideals that make our nation great. 


In their honor, let us commit to being engaged citizens, compassionate community members, and relentless defenders of freedom and justice. Through these efforts, we ensure that the sacrifices of the fallen are never in vain, and that their legacy endures in the fabric of our nation.

To all those who joined us for the parade and for the ceremony afterward, thank you for joining us for another fantastic day. It is my honor to be able to share Memorial Day with all of you and I truly hope everyone had a day filled with family, friends, and of course, great food.

It is going to be a great summer and I look forward to seeing you all out and about on the next First Friday!