Mayoral Musings: Roadway Work Ahead

As we enter the spring months, so too begins construction season. Each year, Lansdale dedicates millions of dollars in investment to maintaining, upgrading, and improving our critical infrastructure. As some of you may know, or at least felt, there has been a focus on improving our roadways over the last 5 years. In that time, we have paved and repaired over 45% of the Borough’s roads and have been averaging around 4.7 miles of roadway per year delivering massive positive impact for our community. 

This year will be no different and will be buttressed by two key improvement plans that residents should begin thinking about this year to help make traversing the borough this year a little easier.

The first major projects will be stormwater focused taking place on Norway Dr., Ridge St., and Cherry St. where we will be making improvements to the inlets and pipes related to those stormwater systems. While not as significant as a full road repair or a milling and paving project, stormwater upgrades have a significant impact on preserving the longevity of our existing roadways by improving runoff management and decreasing standing water on our roadways. Additionally, in winter months, water mitigation can become a problem if significant amounts of water freeze on the roadway creating additional hazards. Work on these projects will take place over the course of the next several months and will happen in earnest. While we do not typically shutdown a roadway for this work, please be cautious as you drive these roadways in the coming months as construction work may be occurring.

In addition to the stormwater improvements, project work is, finally, scheduled to begin on our East Main Street streetscape project. This project has been funded, mostly by grant money, and in the works for two years. It has been delayed due to the complexities of adjusting/changing infrastructure involving SEPTA, PennDOT, and borough owned properties. Throughout the coming months crosswalks, curbs, tree planters, decretive sidewalk, lighting, and storm water improvements are scheduled to be upgraded for most of East Main St. This project will be phased out with the first part (Main to Broad) being completed first and the second phase being Main to Highland. Additionally, once complete, it is expected that Main will be paved by PennDOT to complete the improvements.

As with the projects on Norway, Ridge, and Cherry, this work is expected to take time to complete and may disrupt traffic patterns for a significant portion of our spring, summer, fall, and potentially, into winter. Please use extra caution and discretion as you travel through the borough over the next several months.

Everyone’s patience and understanding is appreciated as we embark on these two major improvements that will enhance the safety, accessibility, and attractiveness of our borough. We know that these are not easy times for anyone, especially those who live and work in the affected areas. But we also believe that investing in our infrastructure is a way of investing in our community and its future. By improving our roads, sidewalks, and storm water systems, we are making Lansdale a better place to call home and one that keeps us all moving forward together.

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert. The views expressed are his own and are not representative of North Penn Now or Lansdale Borough.)






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