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Montgomery County Prothonotary’s Office Rolls Out Improvements for Domestic Violence Cases

The Montgomery County Prothonotary’s Office rolled out several new programs on Thursday in hopes of bettering the lives of victims of domestic violence.

Prothonotary Noah Marlier spoke at the Montgomery County Commissioners’ meeting, saying  these initiatives address accessibility, safety and comfort concerns for those in emergency situations.

The office’s updates pertained to protection from abuse orders, which are also known as restraining orders. Between 30 and 50 protection from abuse orders are filed each week in Montgomery County, according to Marlier.

"… Those are human beings that come into our office that come to the county seeking help, seeking protection from domestic violence … and it is sobering but it is something we need to discuss,” he said.

Marlier said the new measures aim to alleviate additional stressors for those in a vulnerable state.

"We’re talking about a situation where people come in literally bruised and battered,” he said. "They come in in one of the hardest times in their life, and they have to spend hours in a courthouse. It is difficult.

"It is not only addressing a terrible situation but then they have to relive that situation by going before a judge talking about what happened coming back a few days later for a final PFA talking about what happened, facing their abuser,” he continued. "It’s really a challenging, challenging thing for these folks.”

Online PFA Packet

The updates include allowing those in need to fill out a protection from abuse order packet online, rather than going in person. The idea was proposed in collaboration with the Worcester Township-based domestic violence nonprofit Laurel House, according to Marlier, who noted that Allegheny County is the only other jurisdiction apart from Montgomery County with the capacity to file the packet online.

The prothonotary’s office also has a protection from abuse designated waiting room. Marlier said the former passport office was transformed "into a room that was welcoming and positive and vibrant for the petitioners that were here for PFAs.”

Along with pamphlets, books, coloring books and other materials were donated by several area organizations, according to Marlier.

Hope Card Program

In addition, the newly established Montgomery County Hope Card Program offers recipients a credit card sized version of their final protection from abuse order.

Marlier acknowledged the order can be several pages long and cumbersome for victims to keep with them. Instead, the card includes needed information that recipients can show to law enforcement during instances of stalking or harassment. Information on the cards includes when the order was issued, the plaintiff and defendant names, as well as the protection from abuse database number.

"This is good for law enforcement and it’s certainly good for the survivor, making that final order and the information that’s on it more accessible,” Marlier said, highlighting collaborations with the Montgomery County District Attorney’s Office and Pennsylvania State Police.

The commissioners applauded Marlier’s efforts. Commissioner Tom DiBello suggested adding digital capabilities to the Hope Cards.

"Can we take it one step further and throw a QR code on there?” he asked.

Marlier said he would have to discuss it with law enforcement partners, adding it’s "definitely an interesting idea.”

"What a difference some of these … little things make to make the experience that much better for people in crisis,” said Montgomery County Commissioners’ Chairwoman Jamila Winder.

Anyone experiencing instances of domestic violence can call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or text "START” to 88788. Visit the Montgomery County Prothonotary’s Office’s website at to learn more.

The next Montgomery County Board of Commissioners meeting is scheduled for 10 a.m. on March 7 on the eighth floor of One Montgomery Plaza, 425 Swede St., Norristown. Those interested in attending can also do so virtually. Check out for more information.

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