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Mayoral Musings: Founders Day 2024

We wave goodbye to summer with our annual Founders Day celebration taking place this Saturday.

We wave goodbye to summer with our annual Founders Day celebration taking place this Saturday.

  • Mayoral Musings

Welcome to the end of August and the last few weeks of summer! As with every year, we wave goodbye to summer with our annual Founders Day celebration taking place this Saturday across all of Lansdale. If you are looking for something to do this weekend, you will have many options to choose from:

Opening Ceremonies at Lansdale Historical Society
10 AM

As always, festivities kick off with a few formalities celebrating the history of our community and the people who have helped make it a great place to call home. We will be honoring the 2024 Lansdale Lifetime Achievement recipient at the opening ceremony followed by the kickoff of the self-guided historical tours of the community starting at 11:00 AM. I would encourage everyone to come to the opening ceremony to honor our Lifetime Achievement Award winner. Over the decades, so many people have stepped up to help Lansdale thrive and it is critical that we recognize and honor their work. For me, each year it helps foster a sense of unity and shared purpose in our community and reminds me that we are really are moving forward together!

Festival of the Arts in Memorial Park
10 AM

One of my favorite events of Founders Day is the annual Festival of the Arts where artists from across the North Penn area come together to put their work on display for everyone to enjoy and purchase. It makes for a fantastic walk through the park being surrounded by countless works of art and discovering your next favorite artist! The arts play a crucial role in stimulating creativity, culture, and community and it is pivotal that we take the time to celebrate it. Personally, I will be grabbing a cup of coffee and enjoying a fantastic mid-morning stroll through the park to help spark my own creativity!

Model Train Display at Fairmount Fire Company
11 AM

While I enjoy the arts, I know my boys are looking forward to the model train display organized by Fairmount Fire Company and Henning’s Trains. The rail line is a crucial part of our history, and it is only fitting that each year we celebrate by pulling together one of the largest model train displays I have ever seen. If you have family members that enjoy seeing the trains, go through town, this is a wonderful opportunity for them to enjoy some of the model train magic that makes us all want to pull that whistle!

District Court & LPD Tours
1 PM

If you are looking to learn a little more about either our District Court or our Lansdale Police, please stop by either location (Court on Church Rd, LPD at Borough Hall at One Vine St.) to see what really goes on in! Policing has changed dramatically over the last decade, and you might be surprised at how much technology and science goes into the day-to-day operations of our police department. As one of the highest accredited police stations in PA, it is my hope that everyone can take a chance to see what it means to really invest in our police and how dedicated everyone really is to being a force for positivity and growth in our community.

This is just a sample of the day’s events with the fireworks show rounding out the evening in spectacular fashion! As always, I would ask everyone to drive a little slower, be a little more cautious and aware this weekend. With so many events taking place at the same time people are going to be milling about all day with many choosing to walk from place to place. If we all slow down a little bit we will be able to ensure that 2024’s Founders Day is another great day in Lansdale!

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert. The views expressed are his own and are not representative of North Penn Now or Lansdale Borough.)