Six North Wales Council Seats on Ballot, But Only Three Contested

Nov. 7 will bring a lengthy ballot for voters in North Wales, with one name appearing twice and an unusual six of the nine seats on council up for elections.

Three of those six seats are uncontested: longtime councilman Mark Tarlecki is running unopposed for a fifth term on council from the town’s Ward 2, and in the town’s Ward 1 one-term incumbent Sherwin Collins and newcomer Brittany Kohler, who was appointed in March, are seeking their second and first full terms respectively.

One four-year and two two-year terms are on the ballot, and one name will appear twice. In the only contested race, Ward 1 incumbent Democrat Wendy McClure, who’s on her third stint on council, is being challenged by Republican newcomer Steven Juska for a two-year term.

In Ward 3, incumbent Democrat and current council President Sal Amato is being opposed — at least, on the ballot — by Republican Greg D’Angelo, who served two terms as borough mayor from 2013 through 2021. D’Angelo also appears on the ballot for another seat, as he’s also running, on paper, for a two-year term for a seat currently held by Democrat Anji Fazio, who was appointed to council in January 2022.

All of the candidates were asked the same questions, and below are their answers:



Wendy McClure (Submitted photo)

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council 

I have been involved in community engagement since moving into the Borough in 1993. I asked the question to then Mayor Herb Schlegel, How may I help?  I began serving my community by being a member of the Civil Service Commission. I built my service to the community one block at a time. Gaining understanding of the amount of volunteers it takes to produce Community Day, build a Playground and maintaining Parks to present events for community gatherings such as Movies In The Park made me want to continue as a volunteer. I orchestrated during Community Day, the Dog Show and the Car Show. Along with serving on the Civil Service Commission, I assisted with the 150th Celebration, Chair of Parks and Rec, Shade Tree Commission, I am responsible for the planting of the 9/11 Memorial Dawn Redwood tree in Weingartner Park. I have learned a lot in my 12 years of service on council as a representative of Ward One.

Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council? 

Being a good Stewart of our taxpayers money, is paramount to me. We need to carefully plan how our revenues are spent always with keeping in mind the the Health, Safety and Welfare of my constituents and the community in general. I have gained over the years an understanding of the needs of our Police and Fire Departments in mindful and productive conversation. . I am currently on the Public Safety Team. Listening with an open mind is very important to me as my decisions/votes directly impact our community. I am very interested in bringing the North Wales Cultural Arts Center to Ribbon Cutting. I would like to be a part of growing our Downtown with new businesses and utilize the impact that the R5 Line can have in bringing folks to eat, shop and eventually enjoy a show !. EV charging stations are on my list to investigate along with a Single Trash Hauler. I am elected by the residents of North Wales Borough Ward 1 to act as their representative on Council.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough, and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council?   

I am very happy about the new zoning map. It will make establishing a business here in the Borough a much less complicated and expensive process. Growing our Downtown is a priority for me. This, I feel would be greatly enhanced by the Boroughs Business Alliance. Again meaningful and productive conversation will help our community to grow. My priority also is that I continue to work in a very professional leadership capacity with respect and dignity to all I serve.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you. 



Steven Juska (Submitted photo)

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council

  • 30-year resident of North Wales Borough

  • 4 Daughters raised through or currently in North Penn School System: North Wales Elementary, Pennbrook Middle School and North Penn High School

  • Owned and managed multiple residential rental properties in the Borough

  • Rehabbed and developed multiple properties in the Borough and Upper Gwynedd Township

  • Have interacted with the Planning Commission, Zoning Board and Historical Board throughout our time in North Wales.

  • I am a professional business appraiser and financial analyst.

Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council? 

I’ve spent my adult life as a resident and businessperson in the Borough. My wife and I have raised our daughters as part of the community and School System. Now that the girls are older, I am now able to use my skills and experience to give back to the community that has given us so much.

I’d like to actively participate in and contribute to the continued growth and development of our Borough.

The Borough has grown, developed and added many community events during our time here, and I would like to help ensure that this continues.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough, and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council? 

Reviving the North Wales Borough Business Alliance (NWBBA) is vital to the continued growth and development of our Borough. In addition, our elected officials should encourage and promote commercial opportunities within North Wales. Development of the Main Street and Walnut Street commercial business district is critical to the growth and development of the Borough. Coordination between Council and the NWBBA will improve response and feedback from current business owners. It will also enable us to understand their needs and how best to encourage new businesses to come to the Borough.

I will bring a practical, common senses approach to Borough Council, offering my experience as a resident, and business professional. e.g. I will promote business growth, without ignoring the importance of maintaining our historic identity.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you. 

None provided.



Sal Amato (Submitted photo)

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council 

I am a retired executive from a local company. I’ve had 25 years of experience both leading and being a member of international teams, managing budgets, developing strategies, and implementing plans that were key to business success. I am also an Air Force veteran (’67 to ’71).

I have been a resident of North Wales Borough for almost 35 years and I am currently serving my second term (eighth year) as a council representative for North Wales Borough’s ward 3.

I briefly served on the North Wales Borough Planning Commission prior to being elected to council in 2015. I currently chair both the Finance and the Public Safety Committees. I was chosen as council president in January of 2022 by my peers and have had the honor of holding that position through the current year.

I believe that my past business and council experience, coupled with my concern for people and a passion for North Wales, provide a good foundation for a position on North Wales Borough Council.

Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council? 

North Wales is a wonderful community in which to live, work and raise a family. I would like to give back to that community by contributing my skills and experience while working with others of similar mind on the borough council and within borough administration. Regardless of party, I would certainly encourage others to run for office. There is great satisfaction in knowing that you’ve played a part in the growth of your community.

The second reason is that I wish to continue learning about North Wales Borough and the details of its operations. Over the past eight years I’ve had the experience of working with many different elected officials (council members and mayors) from both political parties. I have always been impressed by their willingness to set aside their political biases and focus their determination on treating all borough residents equally and fairly with the fundamental objective of providing a safe and secure environment in which to live and raise a family. I have learned much from my current and former colleagues and would like the opportunity to continue that process.

Additionally, running a municipality is a complex and time-consuming endeavor. We are fortunate to have a fantastic borough manager (Christine Hart) and an equally fantastic police chief (David Erenius). I have learned a lot from them about the complexities of running a municipality like North Wales and would very much like to continue that learning process and continue to help build the collaborative environment that is key to our borough’s future success. Success is indeed a team effort.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough, and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council?

Picking a few priorities out of many is always a difficult task but I will attempt to mention a few. A major priority for me is to support the continuing implementation of our "2040 Comprehensive Plan”. This plan contains most – if not all – of my main priorities. There are too many to list here due to space limitations, but I would urge all residents to familiarize themselves with this document which is accessible on the borough website. This plan was created with direct input from our residents over the course of two years and contains their collective vision that guides our strategic decision-making process. The new zoning ordinance and a revived business alliance will both support and enable some of the objectives found within that comprehensive plan.

Another council priority is the ongoing effort to identify and implement additional technologies to enhance and expand the borough’s ability to communicate important information to its residents. Our borough management and council’s "Communications” subcommittee (led by Anji Fazio) have been actively investigating and implementing these technologies with promising results.

Finally, I would personally like to see a community that proactively works together through open communication between its residents, local government, and businesses to foster a safe, enjoyable, and supportive environment for all residents and business partners. My specific goals are:

  • To help increase and build upon the sense of community within the borough

  • To be readily accessible to all the residents of my ward to help address their issues and concerns

  • To ensure that residents have input to important borough issues

  • To act as an advocate on council for all borough residents

  • To help ensure borough residents and businesses have a balanced input to future planning.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you. 

I don’t maintain any social media pages. All of the Democratic candidates are listed on the North Wales Democratic Committee Facebook page.


Greg D’Angelo (Submitted photo)

Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council?

I am not actively seeking to be elected to Borough Council. I did not run in the Primary because Sal Amato has done an excellent job representing the Third Ward. He also has served admirably as Council President. I have never believed that you must run against a candidate; simply because that person is from a different political party. To do that is both wrong and close-minded.

I was written in as a candidate as a safeguard. In the unlikely event that Sal would have to withdraw from the race, I would be able to run against his replacement.

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council

Although I am not actively running for office (see question one); I am well-qualified to serve on Borough Council. I served as Mayor for eight years and I have been a member of the Planning Commission (serving as both Chair and Vice-Chair) since 2010. I also served on the North Wales Water Authority for four years.

In addition to my government service, I have served on the Board of the North Penn Fire Company since 2017.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council? 

Over the past several years Council and Borough Administration has worked to strengthen the Borough’s future. Council approved the Planning Commission’s updates to the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. Borough Administration has worked diligently to secure funding for projects; not the least of which is the renovation of the North Wales Borough Arts and Cultural Center.

There are also plans to resurrect the North Wales Borough Business Alliance. A strong and growing business community will be needed to ensure that the Borough continues to be vibrant.

As a member of Council, I would work to continue the progress that has already been made. Our Comprehensive Plan was developed as a roadmap for what needs to be done. I would ensure that we continue to follow it. I believe that Status Quo is never acceptable; therefore, I would also investigate new ideas that are practical and doable.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you. 

Since I’m not actively running, I have no website



Anji Fazio (Submitted photo)

Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council?

I have been a resident of the North Wales Borough for over 18 years. The natural beauty, the friendly people, and the engaging activities throughout the year are just a few reasons that make me proud to be a North Wales resident. I have been an active member of the community for many years. Volunteering at the North Wales Library, North Wales Elementary and teaching exercise classes at the local park are just a few of my civil activities that showcase my commitment to the continued growth of the community. I would love to see North Wales keep its historic authenticity, while also adjusting with the times as shown in our Comprehensive Plan. I believe that community service is a noble exercise of our freedom, and I hope to continue serving my community by being elected to borough council. I’m hoping to add new and diverse perspectives to carry forth the interests and concerns of every one of my borough neighbors.

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council

Serving as a current member of North Wales Borough Council means listening and engaging our residents in a non-partisan way and making decisions on how best to serve the community.  Since sitting on the communications subcommittee of council, I have helped increase communications to our residents by first, surveying their needs.  Based on response, the team proposed to council additional communications vehicles to increase civic engagement. In 2023 North Wales Borough has added Savvy Citizen and Instagram, and our subscribers continue to grow.

My prior experience in an executive role of directing over 100 employees, all with varying diverse perspectives, gives me the experience to listen with an open mind and make necessary and sometimes hard decisions. That role also included mitigating risks by creating controls, writing standard operating procedures, exceeding revenue goals, and maintaining a budget – all of which, I believe enhance my ability to be an asset to council and this community.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council? 

The continued growth of our current businesses and the desirability for new businesses to come to North Wales is important to me. The updates in the zoning map help standardize and simplify permitted uses making it an easier process for new businesses to get started. I always want to hear feedback on what our businesses need to grow here in North Wales and the business alliance would help with that. Public Safety is also a significant priority to me, and I plan to prioritize walkability for the well-being of the residents of our Borough.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you.


Facebook: Anji Fazio for North Wales Council


Why are you running for a position on North Wales Borough Council?

I am not actively seeking to be elected to Borough Council. I did not run in the Primary because Anji Fazio has done a fine job during her two years in office; representing the Third Ward. I have never believed that you must run against a candidate; simply because that person is from a different political party. To do that is both wrong and close-minded.

I was written in as a candidate as a safeguard. In the unlikely event that Anji would have to withdraw from the race, I would be able to run against her replacement.

Describe your background and qualifications for a position on North Wales Borough Council

Although I am not actively running for office (see question one); I am well-qualified to serve on Borough Council. I served as Mayor for eight years and I have been a member of the Planning Commission (serving as both Chair and Vice-Chair) since 2010. I also served on the North Wales Water Authority for four years.

In addition to my government service, I have served on the Board of the North Penn Fire Company since 2017.

Borough council recently approved a new zoning map for the borough and has started talks on reviving the borough’s business alliance. What would be your priorities for your term on council? 

Over the past several years Council and Borough Administration has worked to strengthen the Borough’s future. Council approved the Planning Commission’s updates to the Borough’s Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code. Borough Administration has worked diligently to secure funding for projects; not the least of which is the renovation of the North Wales Borough Arts and Cultural Center.

There are also plans to resurrect the North Wales Borough Business Alliance. A strong and growing business community will be needed to ensure that the Borough continues to be vibrant.

As a member of Council, I would work to continue the progress that has already been made. Our Comprehensive Plan was developed as a roadmap for what needs to be done. I would ensure that we continue to follow it. I believe that Status Quo is never acceptable; therefore, I would also investigate new ideas that are practical and doable.

Your campaign website, social media pages, and/or anywhere else our readers can find you.

Since I’m not actively running, I have no website.

This article appears courtesy of a content share agreement between North Penn Now and The Reporter. To read more stories like this, visit

See also:

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North Penn School Board Candidates Answer Questions from AAUW Lansdale Branch: Part 1






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