Submission: November Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors

Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell.

(The following is part of a series of monthly submissions from the North Penn School District Board of School Directors. This month’s submission was authored by North Penn School Board Director Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell. The views expressed within are her own.)

Greetings North Penn,

As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, it begs the question: What are you grateful for? Many times, people focus on what they lack which can put one into a depressive state of mind. I posit that we need to refocus on what we have, and by looking at what we are grateful for or give thanks to, does just that. 

As I depart my term of serving as a School Board Director, I’d like to share what I’m grateful for:

  • Being elected by the voters of our district in 2019 who believed Diversity, Equity and Inclusion were hallmarks for our students and community, and that core continues today.

  • Serving with a student-centered board which focused on the needs of our students, first.

  • Serving on a board that overcame the many challenges brought on by the likes of a pandemic never seen before: COVID-19.

  • Working with a school administration, teachers and staff that were able to pivot and introduce virtual learning to students throughout the district. 

  • Serving with a board & school administration to keep our students safe no matter the cost.

  • Serving with a board that provided senior community members property tax and rent rebates that now other districts emulate.

There are numerous other accomplishments to be grateful for but most importantly, I am very grateful for the many students, principals, teachers, and staff I met at their respective schools and programs. It left me with a feeling that our students are being nurtured, educated and well prepared for their future endeavors.  

I will miss the kindness, love, humor, dedication, and commitment of the volunteer team I served with – we really had each other’s back and we worked knowing "teamwork makes the dream work.” I didn’t know any of them previously, but they welcomed me with open arms and helped me on my quest to be a life-long learner. I believe each of them will continue to provide the best guidance for the NPSD.

I am also grateful that this district is affording the community a say in the direction we should go regarding the high school renovation. My daughter was new to NPHS when the vote was taken and lost for a new high school many years ago. But this time we all know and hope to do the right thing for posterity’s sake and our future student leaders as we show up North Penn Strong in January for the special election referendum to vote to bring our high school into the forefront of progressive education on the secondary level, complete with 9th grade students. Their future success is in our hands! Please be sure to attend the informational meetings and tour the building as it is now to get a better understanding of the needs.

Finally, I am grateful for your support these past four years and for all you do for our community, and for being loud and proud of the North Penn School District – we could not have done it without you! 

Remember as you gather around the table on Thanksgiving Thursday to share what you are grateful for with your loved ones. Even the youngest children can participate knowing what they are thankful for. If you haven’t been doing this, start a family tradition…and don’t let this be the last time you do it.  

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!


Dr. Wanda Lewis-Campbell
NPSD Board of School Directors
Term Expiration: 2023

See also:

Submission: October Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors

Submission: June Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors

Submission: May Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors

Submission: April Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors

Submission: March Letter from North Penn School District Board of School Directors






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