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North Penn Issues Statement Following Settlement in Former Student’s Sex Assault Lawsuit

(The following is a statement from North Penn School District, which was released after the district settled a sex assault lawsuit filed by a former student in federal court.)

North Penn School District (NPSD) is committed to providing a safe environment for all students and staff. Although we do not comment on legal matters as they relate to specific students and staff members, we want to make it clear that we take all allegations of sexual harassment seriously and have processes and programs in place to prevent and address such situations. 

Beginning in 2018, NPSD has reviewed and revised its non-discrimination policies, taken significant steps to bolster the authority and responsibilities of the District’s Title IX Coordinator, implemented a behavioral threat assessment process, twice conducted a school-wide climate survey, developed a Traumatic Response Team, partnered with Safe2Say Something, and hired numerous counselors and psychologists. 

As part of a recent court settlement, NPSD agreed to carry out a number of steps designed to further reduce instances of harassment. These include on-going professional development of staff, training of newly hired employees, instruction on identifying and reporting sexual harassment, implementation of a climate survey, and procedures for reporting and tracking reports of harassment.  

It is in large part due to the extensive efforts that have been put in place over the last several years that it was possible to reach a resolution in this matter. The district will continue moving forward with proactive measures, programs and policies to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our students and staff.  

Anyone who believes that they or others have been subject to sexual harassment or other discrimination is strongly encouraged to promptly report such incidents to a building principal or administrator. Additional information about NPSD’s nondiscrimination policies can be found here.

See also:

North Penn Settles Sex Assault Lawsuit from Former Student After Federal Judge Rules in Favor of Victim

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