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Malagari To Host Breakfast For Veterans In Souderton Feb. 3

State Rep. Steve Malagari, D-Montgomery, will host a free breakfast and resource event for veterans in the 53rd Legislative District on Friday, Feb. 3, at at 11:30 a.m., at Generations of Indian Valley in Souderton.
"The veterans of our country have sacrificed so much to protect our freedoms,” said Malagari. "I am grateful for their service and sacrifice, and this brunch is a small way for my office and I to show our appreciation. It’s also a great opportunity for veterans to learn more about the services and benefits available to them.”
Malagari and members of his staff will be on hand to answer questions about services available through his office. Representatives from the Montgomery County Office of Veterans Affairs, Montgomery County Human Services, and other veteran organizations will also be available to provide information and resources.
Veterans and their families are welcome to join and should RSVP by email to [email protected] or call (267) 768-3671.