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Submission: North Penn Superintendent Discusses Renovations, Grade Reconfiguration at High School

(The following submission was provided by North Penn Superintendent Todd Bauer. The views expressed within are his own.)

Dear North Penn Community,

We have been talking for a couple of years now about the need to renovate North Penn High School (NPHS), which is in great need of repair, but to also re-envision the delivery of education at NPHS and districtwide. At this month’s Board of School Directors worksession, we took the first step of many in introducing the exciting possibilities that await this community in terms of building design, grade configuration and expanded opportunities for our students. I encourage everyone to watch the presentation to the board at this meeting. Also, a link to the slides presented can be found here and the video regarding NPHS infrastructure status is here.

We don’t have the option of delay or inaction. The 50-plus year old building must be renovated. Since 2019, we have incurred more than $1.3 million in costs to repair critical infrastructure failures such as replacing a chiller, replacing the natatorium roof and fixing one of only two elevators in the building. The expensive challenges of maintaining the school will continue to add up unless we do something as soon as possible. 

At this time, we have the opportunity to redesign NPHS to be a school for the 21st century and beyond, and not just a renovated 1971 building with system upgrades, new paint and other cosmetic changes. We have a once-in-our-lifetime chance to re-engineer North Penn’s educational system to include ninth grade at NPHS and provide this community with a school that is flexible, adaptable, and that provides multiple educational opportunities for our students. 

At the Tuesday, March 7 workession, we will take the planning process another step forward when we present various options, total costs, and impact on taxes. Then, on Thursday, April 13, we will have a forum where we can answer any questions our community may have. Our hope is to have a recommendation for approval at the board meeting being held on Tuesday, April 25. 

This recommendation will set the stage for work to occur over the next one to two years that includes focus groups and meetings to design the new and improved North Penn High School. With input from students, staff, parents, and community members, we can build the best high school in the state — one that our current youth and future generations of this community deserve. 

I am eager to speak with everyone about this exciting opportunity for North Penn. I invite you all to participate in monthly Community Conversations and Caffeinated Conversations and school board meetings so that you can learn more. As always, I welcome your phone calls and emails and would love the opportunity to discuss our plans further. 


Todd Bauer, Superintendent
North Penn School District

See also:

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