Candidate Letter: Jennifer Sodha Seeks Election in 53rd Legislative District

Republican challenger Jennifer Sodha.

(The following is a candidate letter from Republican challenger Jennifer Sodha, who is running for election in the 53rd Legislative District. Sodha is opposed by Democratic incumbent Steve Malagari, whose candidate letter can be read here.)

Running as a moderate Republican candidate for PA 53rd District, I intend to tackle all issues affecting Pennsylvanians and residents of my constituency of Lansdale, Hatfield, Franconia, Souderton, Telford and Montgomery, through the prism of fiscally conservative but socially moderate values. 

Rather than hold onto dogmatic and inflexible positions, I intend to be the legislator who is willing to reach across the aisle to my colleagues, play the role of a mediator and work with democrats and forces within my own party to continue making progress that benefit all Pennsylvanians.

On having personally knocked on 10,000-plus doors of my constituents, the key issues my constituents care about are inflation, rising cost of energy balanced with protecting the environment, women’s reproductive rights, support our law enforcement while striving towards equitable treatment to all ethnicities and genders, protecting parental rights in schools and taking politics out of education.  

As a pro-choice Republican, I do not toe the traditional Republican party line on issues such as abortion, neither do I concede to the Democrat need for excessive spending. I am also very upfront about my East Indian heritage that influences my moderate philosophy, as is seen in my campaign posters and leave behinds, so, the residents of PA 53rd can decide on who to cast their vote with complete information about me.

Some would describe me as a self-made woman. I was born and raised in Syracuse, NY with roots in India, Kenya and Tanzania. A longtime Republican and resident of Montgomery County, I put myself through college, paid all my debts, earned a double master’s degree in Information technology and an MBA, a good portion of it studying part-time while working full time. A working mother with two elementary school kids and a fulfilling career in the medical industry, concern for all of our kids future was a key motivator to want to contribute through public service and politics.

Even though I am a new entrant into politics, one of my goals is to address the fear, discord, and partisanship that we all witnessed in our politics during the COVID-19 years. The unnecessary post-election drama, disasters in foreign policy and trade, mismanaged economy and the general deterioration in graciousness and decency in our political dialogue awakened my desire to try and fix the system. What we really need is bipartisanship when faced with adversity and mutual respect for each other. To accomplish this task, I have many life experiences to lean on including education and experience in private industry, as well as closely observing the successes of my husband, Prem, who came to the US to pursue opportunities that only our very unique American system can create with a “work hard, play hard” attitude that embodies the American spirit, that I want to ensure we are able to pass on to our kids.

Constituents can find more detail on my positions and stances at Thank you for your time in reading this opinion, I ask for your vote on Nov. 8, so we can bring moderation back into our politics. 






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