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‘Our Community Salutes’ to Honor Local High School Seniors Who Enlisted into Armed Forces

(The following information was provided by the Montgomery County chapter of 'Our Community Salutes.')

“Our Community Salutes” is hosting a student enlistee recognition program Monday night at the Pine Crest Country Club in Montgomery Township to honor local high school graduates who have enlisted into the armed forces.

Approximately 35 seniors from Montgomery County high schools and their recruiters will be honored during the dinner. The enlistees will be issued certificates and receive their first military challenge coin. Veterans and Blue Star Mothers from the community will also be in attendance.

Often at graduation, you hear about the students who are going off to colleges and universities but little or no recognition is given to the graduates who have decided to serve our country. Terri Cressman, Anita Fleming, and Jenny Mars started a non-profit Our Community Salutes chapter for Montgomery County to make sure these fine young patriots are not forgotten. Less than one percent of Americans serve our country in the military, so with the help of an all-volunteer group we will give these next generation veterans a night to remember. We want these enlistees to walk away knowing the community appreciates their decision to serve.

The seventh annual effort is part of a national movement to foster patriotism in our local communities. The first Our Community Salutes chapter was started by Dr. Ken Hartman in New Jersey in 2009 and the idea has now spread across the country. Our mission is to honor and thank graduating seniors for their service, in advance, so they know their hometown is appreciative of their decision to serve.

Unites States Senate candidate Kathy Barnette (Army Retired), and Lieutenant Colonel Joshua Meyer (Professor of Military Science at Valley Forge Military College) will be the keynote speakers. Veteran Service Organizations will be in attendance to provide useful information to the families. State Representative Todd Stephens wrote letters of encouragement for our young patriots.

Events are planned and carried out by volunteers, including veterans, educators, merchants, community leaders and active-duty military personnel. Individuals and business leaders from the community have really stepped up to sponsor this event.