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North Montco Students Say Farewell During Senior Recognition Night

On June 1, seniors from North Montco Technical Career Center (NMTCC) participated in the Senior Recognition Program held at North Penn High School. During the evening, graduating seniors from all 22 technical areas of study were recognized for their hard work. Many of these students were honored with scholarships and monetary awards donated by generous industry partners and staff. Students will use these funds to assist them as they prepare for secondary education or to purchase the necessary tools or equipment for the workforce.

Students that attend North Montco select their area of technical training as high school freshmen or sophomores. Their goal is to gain the skills, industry certificates, and potential work experience that will help them secure entry-level employment that will lead to a rewarding career. In addition to delving into their chosen curriculum, students gain valuable insight into further training and apprenticeship options. Each student has their own reasons for attending North Montco; however, it’s what these students learn about themselves and their respective careers during their years here that will guide their future. 

A few of this year’s seniors shared with us how North Montco made a difference for them and how they plan to continue their career journey:

Meet Ethan Andorn and Jordan Joseph

Ethan Andorn, left, and Jordan Joseph, right. (Credit: North Montco Technical Career Center)

Ethan Andorn is a student in the Electrical Trades program. As an eighth-grade student, he wasn't sure what he wanted to do. Schoolwork did not appeal to him, so he decided to try the Electrical Trades program.

"When entering the class as a freshman, I had no clue whether or not this would be right for me,” Andorn said. “I questioned whether it was worth the risk to abandon the classic high school experience to join North Montco's program. Rather than allowing the uncertainty to prevent me from taking the class, I took the risk to find what I wanted to do in life."

After four years in the Electrical Trades program, Ethan has decided to continue his education at Rochester Institute of Technology and pursue a degree in Electrical Engineering.

Jordan Joseph spent four years learning all he could in the Automotive Technology program, but he couldn't pass on speaking about his classmates who come from five different sending districts (Methacton, North Penn, Perkiomen Valley, Souderton, and Wissahickon).

"My eyes have been more open to how diverse our local community and classrooms are," said Joseph, who plans to further his education in Automotive Technology at Penn College of Technology.

Joseph aspires to one day open his own shop or run a dealership.

Meet Sarah Keough

Sarah Keough. (Credit: North Montco Technical Career Center)

Sarah Keough has excellent plans for the cosmetology training she received. After graduation, she'll further her education at Bucks County Community College in the accelerated RN program. Her goal is to work in the medical esthetics field in either a dermatology or plastic surgeon's office. 

Keough credits her cosmetology class for increasing her confidence when working on clients.

Meet Luke Reynolds

Luke Reynolds. (Credit: North Montco Technical Career Center)

Luke Reynolds pursued the Construction Carpentry Program because he prefers hands-on learning. Reynolds feels the program "gives [him] the knowledge and opportunity to see what [he] likes about the industry, and provides opportunities to learn about specific jobs in the field." He is keeping his options open for the future but is interested in furthering his education in Construction Management. 

Reynolds plans to pursue a construction manager position after he gains enough experience. After that, he may start a construction remodeling or home building company one day.

Moving Forward

Each North Montco student will ultimately decide their journey, whether it involves directly entering industry or taking on a post-secondary commitment. The good news is that there are great jobs available in every sector, all looking for employees, like North Montco seniors who want to learn and succeed. 

The staff and administration at North Montco Technical Career Center wish each of our senior graduates the best and brightest future available. We welcome their participation as alumni and hearing how their careers unfold. Most of all, we want our alumni to feel that their experience here was time well spent.

See also:

From North Montco to Yale University, Former Student Pursues Dreams in Biomed Tech

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