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Malagari Announces Grants for Hatfield Township, Lansdale Parks

(The following information was provided by the office of state Rep. Steve Malagari.)

In an effort to improve parks and green spaces in his district, state Rep. Steve Malagari announced today that state grants were awarded to Hatfield Township and Lansdale Borough.

Hatfield Township has been approved for a $250,000 grant for improvements to John S. Clemens Memorial Park. Lansdale was awarded $122,800 for rehabilitation and development of Whites Road Park.

“We have the benefit of decades of research detailing the positive effects that parks have on people and the connection between outdoor recreation and mental and physical wellness for people of all ages,” said Malagari, D-Montgomery. “This project will allow for improvements at Clemens Memorial Park and Whites Road Park, both valuable resources for our community.

“Hatfield Township has also partnered with Garden of Health for a positive and unique opportunity, leasing space in the park to the nonprofit food bank to grow produce for low-income families in Montgomery and Bucks counties.”

The Hatfield grant will fund construction of a comfort station, pedestrian walkways, parking area and stormwater management features. It will also fund the installation of playground equipment, as well as safety surfacing, utilities, ADA access and landscaping.

Lansdale’s grant will help with construction of a comfort station, pavilion and pedestrian walkway, as well as ADA access, landscaping and other improvements at Whites Road Park.

These grants are part of the Community Conservation Partnership grants administered through the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. DCNR funds its grant programs through various state and federal programs, and the $250,000 grant for Hatfield Township was funded through the Key Community program.

Community Conservation Partnerships Program grants can fund:

  • Planning, acquisition and development of public parks
  • Recreation areas
  • Motorized and non-motorized trails
  • River conservation and access
  • Conservation of open space

Eligible applicants for these grants include counties, municipalities, municipal agencies, nonprofit organizations, state heritage areas, prequalified land trusts and for-profit enterprises (for some grant types).

See also:

Rep. Malagari Announces $1 Million Grant for Elm Terrace Gardens

Malagari Announces $695,038 Awarded for Improvement Projects in the 53rd Legislative District

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