Want to know how you can become a part of Lansdale Borough's year-long sesquicentennial celebration? Or just interested in learning more?
Lansdale's 150th Anniversary Committee and Discover Lansdale are inviting the community to an introductory and organizational meeting this Thursday, Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. at Lansdale Borough
Hall. The session, which was originally scheduled for January, will feature a presentation on all the plans and events scheduled for 2022.
The session will include opportunities to sign up for volunteer and sponsorship participation. It marks the beginning of the borough's 150th birthday year, which officially kicks off in April with a benefit gala and
continues through August with Founders Week, including a parade, community picnic and fireworks.
Details and event updates can be found on
the Lansdale 150 website.
The Lansdale 150 Committee is asking the public to look at the calendar
of events and volunteer to help organize or stage one or more, by
The current schedule of events:
- April 9: Lansdale 150 Kickoff Gala. A benefit ball to open the anniversary season.
- April 10: Arbor Day Celebration. Lansdale dedicates the planting of 150 new trees.
- May 14: Old-Time Baseball Game. Traditional teams come to Memorial Park.
- June 4: Strawberry Festival. Lansdale's traditional spring berry celebration returns to the Fairmount Fire House.
- July 16: Day in the Park. A grand community-wide yard sale with vendors, food, music, old-time games, and more.
- July 30: Dealers Through the Decades Auto Show. A salute to Lansdale's history through automobile dealerships, in Memorial Park.
- August 20: Founders Week Kickoff Parade. Founders Day becomes Founders Week for 2022.
- August 24: Founders Week Picnic. On Lansdale's birthdate, the Borough hosts an old-time community picnic.
- August 27: Founders Day 150. The official celebration closes with what organizers call the biggest Founders Day ever.
Besides sponsorships and volunteers, bricks also are for sale to be placed surrounding the new Memorial Park Gazebo to be dedicated to Lansdale's late
Mayor Mike DiNunzio this year. Registration forms are available on the
lansdale150.org website.
While this is set to be an in-person meeting (depending on weather conditions), a Zoom virtual option will be made available to those who cannot attend. Others interested in learning more about the once-in-a-generation celebration are asked to email
See also:
Lansdale’s 2021 Christmas Tree Lighting
Discover Lansdale’s 2021 Mardi Gras Parade
Local Boy Scout Troop Celebrates 100th Anniversary