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Malagari Announces Legislation to Combat ‘Grinch Bots’

(The following information was provided by the office of state Rep. Steve Malagari.)

State Rep. Steve Malagari announced this week that he will be introducing legislation to prevent scalpers from using software to purchase items over the internet in bulk for the purpose of resale, and not personal use.

“The general assembly needs to ensure that Pennsylvania’s consumers have the right to a fair marketplace,” Malagari said. “As representatives, it is our duty to stop predatory miscreants from trying to manipulate our economy. With this important legislation, we can ensure that everyone has a fair shot when shopping online.”

Known as “Grinch Bots,” these software applications automatically buy up products and resell them for higher than the list price.

Malagari said this frustrating hoarding process is bad for consumers and bad for business. He referenced popular purchases, such as the PlayStation 5 and Taylor Swift concert tickets, which have been made extremely difficult and more expensive for patient consumers.

This legislation would make it unlawful to circumvent a security measure, access control system, or other technological control that enforces posted purchasing limits online.

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