(The following information was provided by the Montgomery County Office of Communications.)
Montgomery County Commerce Department and
MontcoWorks have announced an upcoming multi-industry career fair for Montgomery County students in grades 8 through 12 on Tuesday October 25, 2022 at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks.
Careers of Tomorrow Expo will feature over 100 exhibitors from multiple industries considered economic drivers in Montgomery County, providing students with viable career paths and family-sustaining wages.
The Careers of Tomorrow Expo will replicate the structure of previous ManuFest & More career fairs held by Montgomery County. In addition to promoting careers in manufacturing and building trades, exhibitors are invited to represent careers in healthcare, energy, social assistance, information technology, public service, education and other industries that have a critical need to develop a talent pipeline in Montgomery County.
"The goal of The Careers of Tomorrow Expo is primarily to refocus career awareness efforts around critical industries,” said Jennifer Butler, Executive Director of MontcoWorks. "However, the announcement, planning and implementation of this event will also be an energizing way for our employers, educators and students to look to a bright future here in Montco.”
The Careers of Tomorrow Expo will be held on Tuesday, October 25, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. The event will accompany ongoing engagement through relevant Labor Market Information, presentations, industry tours and more.
Event organizers welcome supporters to help engage the students who attend.
Those interested in lending additional support can provide resources for interactive activities, raffle prizes, and swag bag items. Any organization looking to provide something to make the day extra special & educational for students are encouraged to connect with Jennifer Butler at
More information about the event, including how to register and get involved, can be found on the
Careers of Tomorrow website.
See also: