Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds Announces Upcoming Events

Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds Jeanne Sorg has announced her upcoming spring events scheduled throughout Montgomery County. Sorg will be taking the office’s Veteran’s Discount ID program on the road, as well as FraudSleuth and Montco Roots: Family and Property History through Deeds presentation.

“I am looking forward to this spring lineup immensely,” said Sorg. “One of my favorite things to do is to share information about the types of documents and what’s available at the Recorder of Deeds office, so the Montco Roots presentation is always fun for me. The Veterans’ Discount ID events and FraudSleuth are great programs, and I love getting out into the community and bringing our services to the people of Montgomery County.”

The Veterans’ Discount ID Program

Veterans are encouraged to record their military discharge paperwork (DD214 or NGB22) with the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds office. The documents are recorded in perpetuity on the office’s secure database.

“A DD214 is the most important document a veteran holds,” said Sorg. “Recording it with my office gives the veteran and their family members instant access should they ever need it.”

Veterans who record their military discharge paperwork receive a Veterans’ Discount ID card, good for discounts at more than 650 business throughout Montgomery County.

Veterans should bring their military discharge papers and a photo ID, such as a driver’s license, with them to the event. The whole process takes only a few minutes.


FraudSleuth is a free property fraud mitigation service provided by the Recorder of Deeds office. Montgomery County property owners can register using their Parcel ID, which is the unique identifier for their property, and will receive e-mail alerts if a document is recorded at our office against the information included in their profile.

“Don’t be swayed by companies advertising to track your property for an exorbitant fee,” said Sorg. “You can do it yourself, through my office, absolutely for free.”

Montco Roots: Family and Property History Research through Deeds

During this program, Recorder Sorg will overview the types of documents that are recorded with the Recorder of Deeds office and demonstrate how to search the office’s online database for current and historical deeds on your property. Historical documents contain a wealth of information about family relationships and property history.  

The Recorder of Deeds will be at the following locations and events:

1) Veteran’s Discount ID Cards at Sen. Bob Mensch’s Office, in conjunction with the Red Hill VFW and Rep. Milou Mackenzie

  • Wednesday, April 20
  • Event time: 10 a.m. to noon
  • Location: 56 West Fourth Street, Floor 2, Red Hill, PA 18076

2) FraudSleuth and Veteran’s Discount ID at the International Spring Festival

  • Saturday, April 23
  • Event time: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Location: North Penn High School, 1340 S Valley Forge Road, Lansdale, PA

3) Montco Roots: Family and Property History through Deeds

  • Thursday, April 28
  • Event time: 6 p.m.
  • Location: Mennonite Heritage Center, 565 Yoder Rd, Harleysville, PA

4) FraudSleuth and Veteran’s Discount ID at Reps. Nancy Guenst and Ben Sanchez Senior Fair

  • Friday, April 29
  • Event time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Location: Giant Food Store, 315 York Road, Willow Grove, PA 19090

5) Veterans Discount ID Cards at Horsham VFW Post 9788’s Veteran’s Resource Fair

  • Saturday, May 14
  • Event time: 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.
  • Location: Horsham VFW Post 9788, 324 Sawmill Ln. Horsham, PA 19044

6) Veterans Discount ID Cards at 111th Military Retiree Appreciation Day

  • Saturday, July 9
  • Event time: 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
  • Location: 111th WG HQ BLD 203 Auditorium Biddle Air Guard Base Horsham, PA

If you cannot make it to one of these events, the Recorder of Deeds office is open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. until 4 p.m. and can assist veteran, homeowners, and researchers.

To learn more about these programs or the Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds office, and to see the most current list of participating Veterans Discount ID businesses, visit our website:

See also:

Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds Collecting Necessities for Homeless Veterans

Montco Recorder of Deeds Provides Deeds to Homeowners Devastated by Ida Free of Charge

Montgomery County Recorder of Deeds Announces Upcoming Mobile Veterans’ Discount ID Events

Record Breaking Numbers at Montco Recorder of Deeds






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