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Montgomery County Seeks Centenarians for 13th Annual Celebration

The Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Senior Services is celebrating Montco Centenarians virtually again this year. A Centenarian is someone born in 1922 who turns 100 this year. 

Centenarians or loved ones of Centenarians are encouraged to visit by Monday, April 11 to complete the form to participate in this year’s celebration. Participants will need to upload a photo of the Centenarian, their birthdate, address, and biography using the specifications below: 

  • Photo: a large, high-quality headshot — JPG or PNG format/300 dpi.
  • Biography: up to 1,500 characters or maximum of 261 words.
  • Birthdate: please include month, day, and year of birth.

Questions about the photograph or biography can be directed to Juliana Guarna.

Follow HHS on social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram) as Montco Centenarians will be featured during the month of May which is Older Americans Month. In addition, the county will host a live video celebration with surprise entertainment on Wednesday, May 11 from 2 p.m. to 3 p.m. Registration is required. Members of the Centenarian Celebration Committee will deliver a special gift to all participating Centenarians at the end of the celebration.

Sponsorships are available for the Montgomery County Centenarian Celebration. Sponsorship benefits include your logo on our webpage for one year, your logo on the gift bag for our Centenarians, social media exposure, and more. To download the sponsorship form, click here.

For more information about Montgomery County’s 13th Annual Centenarian Celebration, visit