Lansdale's Cruise Night Is Revved And Ready for Return Saturday

Cruisers, start your engines.

Lansdale’s 11th Annual Cruise Night and Food Drive, celebrating the golden days of slooooow tooling all around town, returns this Saturday along the borough’s downtown streets.

According to the sponsors at Discover Lansdale, all are invited to join in, no matter what your current motorized conveyance is — or just come out to enjoy the gleaming parade of cars both classic and current.

Registrations begins at 4:30 p.m.; lineup starts at 5 along Green and Madison Streets near Railroad Plaza. The registration fee is $10, plus a donation of three or more packaged food items for Manna on Main Street. All proceeds benefit Manna’s efforts to end hunger in the North Penn region.

Music will be provided by the Pennise Family Band. The official ribbon-cutting ceremony kicks off the cruise at 8 p.m. Prizes in several categories will be awarded at 9:45 at Railroad Plaza.

Discover Lansdale emphasizes that all vehicles must be road-worthy and all traffic laws must be strictly obeyed. Tire burnouts will be fined by Lansdale Police, and no exhaust flames or hydraulics will be allowed. No alcohol is permitted.

For a full schedule of the evening as well as a map of the cruise route, visit or Lansdale Cruise Night’s Facebook page.
Cruise Night caps off a busy day in the borough: The Lansdale Historical Society will award the town's Lifetime Achievement Award to Ray Walton at 10 a.m., and host an open house and several town tours (all rescheduled from rain-delayed Founders Day in August) during the day; and the Cannoneers will celebrate their 75th anniversary with a Block Party from noon to 6 p.m.
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