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Mayoral Musings: Lansdale Police Add 2 New Full-Time Officers

I would like to welcome two new full-time officers, Hazel Bundy and James Thompson, to our Lansdale Police Department!

As noted in previous musings, the growth and development of our PD is going to be exceedingly important over the next year or so due to the population shifts we have experienced in just the last five years. The addition of Officer Bundy and Officer Thompson are welcomed additions to our team and will help bring our police department back to our regular staffing levels.

Officer Bundy is someone many of you may know. She has been one of our part-time officers with the police department for almost two years now and has quickly become a valued asset to both the department and the community. Internally, she has received multiple merit awards for her performance on the job and in the service of Lansdale. In 2020 alone, she received a citation of merit for exemplary performance during a sensitive situation involving a resident in need who had turned violent toward police.

Additionally, Hazel has been active in our community during events. She has helped manage multiple large gatherings in the borough throughout 2020 and is regularly interacting with the public to show her dedication and support of our community. I am extremely honored to welcome Hazel Bundy to the Lansdale Police Department as a full-time member of our borough police, and we all look forward to seeing her thrive in this new role.

For James Thompson, the new position is a coming home of sorts. Officer Thompson grew up in the North Penn area and is passionate about being able to serve where he grew up.

Prior to joining us, Officer Thompson was working at Bristol Township. Additionally, he is a veteran of the US Navy, where he served on the aircraft carrier Dwight D. Eisenhower and earned an honorable discharge. His military service brings with it many of the accolades and training that can help make an officer exceptional in the performance of their duties. We look forward to the passion Officer Thompson will bring to our department and wish him all the best as he begins his transition into our police department.

While these two hires bring us closer to normal staffing levels, it is not the end of the growth and development of our police department. Our police officers are an investment in our community and have an immense impact on how our community grows, shifts and changes. I am hopeful that we will be able to welcome more new officers to our department in the near future, and I hope that together we can all keep Lansdale moving forward, one step at a time.

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert.)

See also:

Mayoral Musings: Road Construction Ahead

Mayoral Musings: Reflecting On Year One Of The Coronavirus Pandemic

Mayoral Musings: A Look At Pa’s Bipartisan Bill To Legalize Marijuana

Mayoral Musings: Lansdale Police Looking To Add New Officers In 2021

Mayoral Musings: State Of The Police Department Presentation Coming Tonight

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