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Upper Gwynedd Police Launch Brick Sponsorship Program for New Donation Funded K-9 Unit

As the Upper Gwynedd Township Police Department continues to gear up for the launch of their new K-9 unit this fall, fundraising efforts are underway to ensure the unit has everything it needs.

Among those efforts is a new brick sponsorship program, which allows area residents and organizations to sponsor a brick with a custom inscription that will be placed near the castle playground at Parkside in spring 2022. The bricks come in three sizes, with prices of $100, $200 and $500 from smallest to largest.

Upper Gwynedd Police Chief David Duffy said the fundraiser will likely continue until the end of the year, and there is no limit to the amount of bricks a resident or organization may purchase.

Currently, the two new canine officers — K-9 Fury and K-9 Gunner — are well into their training, and are expected to make their debut in the township later this year under the command of Officers Matt Toro and Ed Tartar.

The creation of the donation-funded unit was announced in December 2020 as a way to free the department from having to rely on assistance from other area K-9 units, as well as provide a productive mechanism to make use of frequent donations that the department receives each year.

“We receive many unsolicited donations on a regular basis. These donations fund DARE and other community policing projects,” said Duffy. “I felt public donations to fund the K-9 unit would be another specific way to engage our community and give people a more specific way to partner with us.”

To learn more about this program, click here.

See also:

Upper Gwynedd Police Adding Canine Unit to Department in 2021

Upper Gwynedd Police Welcome New Officer

VIDEO: Upper Gwynedd Police, Public Works Rescue 11 Ducklings From Storm Pipe

Photos: Upper Gwynedd Police Debut New RUDD Trailer

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