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Mayoral Musings: Stay Safe This Christmas Week

Merry Christmas to all those who are celebrating this week! I wish you all a happy holiday and hope you can spend some well-deserved time with friends, family, and loved ones during this special time of the year. Additionally, it is undeniable that our pandemic is not over yet and that it is as important as ever to be safe as you celebrate the holidays.

Cases of COVID-19 are rising everywhere, there are more breakthrough infections than ever before. The good news is that if you are vaccinated and boosted your chances of hospitalization is much lower. According to a recent study conducted by the State of Washington’s Department of Health, they found that vaccinated people are five times less likely to get COVID-19 and 17 times less likely to be hospitalized if you do have a breakthrough infection (for the average 35-64 year old). This is all very good news for those who are vaccinated and give me hope that we will be in a better situation as more people continue to become vaccinated and/or get boosted.

Regardless of vaccination status, please be extra vigilant this week and over the holiday. Use masks and maintain a reasonable social distance when it makes sense for you and your family. It has been a challenging year for all in our community and I am hopeful that we can close out the year with a celebration of the holidays.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and please be safe as this week. I cannot wait to see how we can continue to move Lansdale forward together into 2022.

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert.)

See also:

Mayoral Musings: Traffic Flow Near Susquehanna

Mayoral Musings: The Budget and Borough Investment

Mayoral Musings: Lansdale Road Projects for 2022

Mayoral Musings: Showing Gratitude for Volunteers This Thanksgiving

Mayoral Musings: Mardi Gras Parade This Saturday