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North Penn Votes to Increase Spectators at Sporting Events, Allow Family Members of Visiting Athletes

During the Thursday night meeting of the North Penn School District Board of School Directors, an amendment was made for spring sports. In short, an item labeled “Appendix G” was passed unanimously, allowing for more spectators at spring sporting events.

Dr. Curt Dietrich, the North Penn superintendent, recommended the approval in his report. The motion was made by Board Director Jonathan Kassa, and seconded by Board Director Cathy Wesley.

The board members resoundingly agreed that an updated amendment was required.

The Suburban One League, of which the North Penn athletic teams are a member, recommends that “each participating school make its own decision regarding allowing spectators, both home and vising, at athletic competition,” according to the appendix.

Left to their own decisions, North Penn consulted coaches and staff to create a ruling for its own competitions.

“This was a very detailed plan,” said Board Director Al Roesch. “I am very proud of our coaches and staff. They have done their best to keep students safe during school year.”

Roesch said that he was happy with the job performed thus far by sports families, coaches and students.

“They did a wonderful job,” he said. “I applaud students and parents for following the guidelines we set up and keeping community safe. Thank you.”

Kassa agreed that the details that were laid out in the ever-adjusting plan were a strong-point for the district.

“It is a very detailed plan,” he said. “What it means for the community is a further expansion for the opportunities for spectators, family members to see their children, in these extracurricular activities, while still following the guidelines of the state.”

The motion was something that the board noted was a step in the right direction.

“This is a good step forward for the community, and an opportunity to enjoy spring sports and events,” said Kassa.

Board Director Dr. Elisha K. Gee added that the specifics to the plan should be included on the North Penn athletics website.

“I think it is important to highlight this information on what the change was,” she said. “Could we put somewhere, speaking as a parent that would like to be a spectator, what schools at this point are allowing it.”

Gee said that many parents of athletes are still confused as to what is permitted.

“Can I go to this or go to that?” she said. “Especially for track. We don’t have a track right now, and aren’t sure when parents might be able to attend meets.”

Board President Tina Stoll agreed this would be helpful, and Assistant Superintendent Todd Bauer said that he would be sure it was included online.

“That is a great suggestion, Dr. Gee,” said Stoll.

Per guidelines, the district will continue to follow what rules are already on the books regarding the pandemic.

“All contests should be conducted following current guidelines set out by state and local officials for allowable gathering size at each venue,” read the appendix. “With the relaxation of gathering size limitations, and in conjunction with previously approved Montgomery County Office of Public Health COVID-19 Mitigation Plans, North Penn High School will allow both home and vising spectators to spring athletic competitions.”

The following conditions, however, will be followed by anyone wishing to attend North Penn Events:

  • Spectators will be limited to family members of participating student-athletes
  • Student-aged spectators will only be permitted to attend if accompanied by an adult
  • All spectators will be screened for fever through the use of a handheld thermometers, as well as questions pertaining to symptoms of COVID-19. Any perspective spectator that exhibits a fever or any symptoms of COVID-19 will not be permitted to attend the event
  • Name and contact information will be recorded for all spectators, as per Montgomery County Office of Public Health, for contact tracing purposes

To read the full copy of the North Penn High School “Return to Play Procedures,” click on the link here.

See also:

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