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Editorial: School Board Thankful for Community Support and Patience

(The following submission is part of a monthly series of editorials, courtesy of our partnership with the North Penn School District and the North Penn School Board.)

Dear Community,

Happy Fall! The school bell has sounded and here we find ourselves back to school – and who would’ve thought last year that this new year would find us going virtual? None of us in our wildest imaginations would’ve thought students and school employees would be encountering all these obstacles in starting school due to this pandemic. Is our solution perfect? No. Is it without problems? No. Is everyone happy? No. But, rest assured, we are doing our best to make a way for everyone impacted.

And, on that note, I’d be remiss if I didn’t say thank you to all of the people who have written or called letting us know that, although the virtual model of instruction may not be perfect, their student is doing fine or, if they are struggling, they have made suggestions on what can be done to improve. They appreciate our efforts and those of the administration. Parents and teachers are helping their students manage through our new learning systems which can, admittedly, be a challenge for some.

As a regular user of Canvas on the higher education level, I remember what it was like to learn it myself. Our teachers have risen to the occasion though, in mastering this new format and are doing what’s most important, and that is to keep students engaged. Although some glitches have occurred, we are pleased to see that our students are adjusting well and particularly our older students, as this virtual format will surely prepare them for future higher learning.

Other people have let us know they want their children back in school as soon as possible, and we understand that, too. There is nothing that any of us want more, than for our students and staff to be back in the classrooms. We all long for a sense of normalcy to return. Unfortunately, what I don’t understand is how some can call us names and even try to bully us. This is unacceptable and cannot be tolerated. We have to be an example for the children. We respect all of our stakeholders and seek to do what’s right by them using various metrics of health and safety to guarantee the protection of all.

When we ran for office, none of us anticipated that we’d be faced with making life and death decisions. We ran to make a difference, and I can say we’ve done that. Our goal has always been to serve our constituents — all of them — in the best way possible. We are putting our heads together, again, with the administration to figure out how we ensure those families who don’t feel safe in returning to in-person instruction and desire online learning for their students that it will be streamlined; how we get students back in school on a rolling basis beginning with K-2 and special education; how to reinstate extra-curricular activities; and how we provide all of the guidelines required to do so.

Most importantly, we don’t want to reopen schools only to shut them down again. Therefore, please know that your best interests are uppermost in our minds. Students, parents, educators, community members; we need each other for strength on this journey. Nobody told us that the road would be easy, no one had a crystal ball and predicted we’d be in this situation right now, but one thing we all know is that this, too, shall pass. I look forward to that time and know you do, too.

Keep the faith, don’t give up because we’re cut from a different cloth – we are strong, North Penn Strong, and we’ll get through this together!


Wanda Lewis-Campbell, Ed.D.
NPSD Board of School Directors
Term Expiration: 2023

See also:

Editorial: North Penn Continues To Show It’s Up For Challenges Posed By COVID-19

Editorial: Preparing Students For The Upcoming School Year

Editorial: Maintaining Focus Is Key As North Penn School District Navigates Through Pandemic

Editorial: Reflecting On A Challenging School Year

Editorial: A Formative Moment In Our Children's Lives

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