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Mayoral Musings: Wishing All A Safe and Happy Thanksgiving

“Reflect upon your present blessings — of which every man has many — not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some.” — Charles Dickens

Typically, around this time of year we would all begin to organize and plan for the festive holidays to come. Sadly, for many, the pandemic is going to keep us from enjoying even the simple pleasures of spending time with family during Thanksgiving. Dinners may be smaller, laughter may be less hearty, and virtual hugs might be necessary, but we cannot let the pandemic defeat our resolve and our united spirit. We must continue to work for the better tomorrow that will come so long as we remain vigilant in our collective management of the pandemic.

In a year where so much has been asked of all of us; where lives have been put on pause, businesses struggle to survive, parents have taken on more challenges than ever, and economic uncertainty looms while the COVID positivity rate continues to climb, we must find joy in what we can do in a safe manner. For the time being, this means limiting gathering to small numbers, wearing masks when appropriate, and traveling less. We must continue in this fashion so that next year we can have a “normal” holiday, where all of us can visit extended family, enjoy an immense amount of food without thinking twice, and fall asleep in a comfy chair while football is played in the background.

Obviously, this is a decision each family must make for themselves and in what way they should celebrate. It is my hope that we all have a safe and healthy Thanksgiving and while everyone is counting their blessings remember all that has been sacrificed during this trying year. While the challenge is not over, and new challenges will arise, there is nothing we cannot overcome if we stand for one another. It is our collective focus that keeps us moving forward, united, as one community that believes in a better tomorrow.

A better tomorrow will come, and I thank all of you for helping me keep that faith and for the love, compassion, and dedication you all have shown to helping Lansdale weather this pandemic. Happy Thanksgiving!

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert.)

See also: 

Mayoral Musings: Operation Package Protectors

Mayoral Musings: Moving Forward Together

Mayoral Musings: Tomorrow Is Election Day

Mayoral Musings: A Few Tricks To Maximize Treats This Halloween

Mayoral Musings: The Pursuit of Electrical Self-Reliance

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