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1,028 North Penn Seniors Prepare for Hybrid Graduation Model

The North Penn School District (NPSD) is proud to announce that the commencement of the North Penn High School (NPHS) Class of 2020 will begin on Monday, June 1, 2020. Using a “hybrid graduation model,” each student will be individually recorded receiving their diploma over the course of seven days to culminate in an official virtual commencement ceremony on the evening of Thursday, June 11, 2020.

Beginning on Monday, June 1 and running through Sunday, June 7, 54 groups of up to 30 students will be recorded individually receiving their diploma. These recordings will be aired the following week on Thursday, June 11 during the official virtual commencement ceremony for the NPHS Class of 2020. Over the course of seven days during their selected time slot, 1,028 graduating seniors will report in their cap and gown to Crawford Stadium at North Penn High School accompanied by their family in one vehicle. Led by the NPHS security team, vehicles will be guided around the track at Crawford Stadium, circling the football field. Each vehicle will pause at a designated “graduate drop-off area” where the graduating senior will exit the vehicle and approach the stage on the field. Families will remain in their vehicle and will be guided to a waiting area where they can take photos from inside the vehicle. The graduate’s name will be read as they walk across the stage and are safely issued their diploma following social distancing regulations. Professional photographs will be taken and the reading of each graduate’s name will be recorded by North Penn Television (NPTV).

On Thursday, June 11 beginning at 6:00 pm, the NPHS Class of 2020 Virtual Commencement Ceremony will air on NPTV local Comcast Cable Channel 28 and local Verizon FIOS-TV Channel 29, as well as online at and the NPSD Facebook page. Pre-recorded speeches from the NPHS Class of 2020 valedictorian Tony L. Xu; salutatorian Samuel Y. Lee; class president Sufyan Davis-Arrington; and senior select Samantha D. Kendikian will be aired. The program will also feature recordings of the NPHS Airforce JROTC Cadets' presentation of the colors and the singing of the national anthem and alma mater by senior class members of the NPHS Chorus. Congratulations will be shared by NPSD Board of School Directors President Tina Stoll, NPSD Superintendent Dr. Curt Dietrich and NPHS Principal Pete Nicholson.

The virtual commencement ceremony will conclude in a live “turning of the tassels” where each graduate is encouraged to “come together, apart” as they are officially pronounced graduates of the North Penn High School Class of 2020. At this time, NPSD invites the community to join them in celebrating in an effort called “Light the Knight”. Simultaneously as seniors turn their tassels and toss their caps at home, the North Penn community is invited to “Light the Knight” by illuminating porch lamps, ringing bells, honking car horns, clanging pots and pans, etc. in support of graduates. The community is encouraged to watch commencement live, and when it is over, to be creative in celebrating the NPHS Class of 2020 while remaining safe. The district estimates that the turning of tassels will occur somewhere between 8:30 and 9:00 pm.

At the end of the commencement, NPSD will be sharing social media posts live during the home and community celebration. Community members are once again asked to help support our seniors in this effort. If you are using Twitter or Instagram, tag encouraging posts with #UKnight4NPSeniors to be included in NPSD’s live social media wall. If you are posting on Facebook, please tag @North Penn School District in the post and use the hashtag #UKnight4NPSeniors.

Throughout the commencement process, senior-related events will be presented virtually on NPTV and the online channels mentioned above. These events include Senior Awards on June 4 at 6:00 pm, Senior Class Night on June 5 at 7:00 pm and Senior Reflections on June 10 at 7:00 pm. For detailed descriptions of all NPHS Class of 2020 senior events including commencement, click here.

The North Penn School District would like to thank the administration, school board, staff, students, families and the North Penn community for their partnership in celebrating the NPHS Class of 2020. The district looks forward to continued support over the next few weeks as the commencement begins.

Background: Due to COVID-19 school closure and social distancing regulations throughout the state of Pennsylvania, NPHS is unable to hold a traditional commencement ceremony. North Penn administration and school board members have been working tirelessly to find a way to provide the NPHS Class of 2020 with a graduation experience that celebrates all of their hard work and accomplishments to the fullest extent possible given the current circumstances.

Conversations and brainstorming efforts took place daily throughout the months of March and April. North Penn staff were in constant communication with the NPHS Class of 2020 student Cabinet Officers. NPSD Superintendent Dr. Curt Dietrich requested feedback and suggestions from North Penn families via email. Based on the information gathered from staff, students and the school community, NPHS held a live, online forum for seniors and their families in late April to present four options for the NPHS Class of 2020 Commencement. Following the forum, seniors were surveyed and based on their feedback and results, a decision to move forward with a “hybrid model” of graduation was made. This “hybrid model” combines components of an in-person and virtual graduation ceremony with plans for a future celebration to be held when social distancing guidelines permit large scale gatherings, perhaps Thanksgiving or June of 2021.

See also:

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