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Report: Coroner Investigating 25 COVID-19 Related Deaths at ManorCare Montgomeryville

A new report indicates that the Montgomery County Coroner is currently investigating 25 COVID-19 related deaths at ManorCare Montgomeryville.

The information comes at a time where discrepancies have surfaced in the data provided by ManorCare, between its online reporting system and information provided to families

An investigative report, by Jo Ciavaglia of the Intelligencer, on deaths due to the coronavirus in Bucks and Montgomery County nursing homes, was published Friday. While a Right to Know request for documents from the Montgomery County Coroner’s Office is pending, the Coroner’s office confirmed that 25 COVID-19 related deaths associated with ManorCare Montgomeryville have been reported for investigation, according to the story.

This is the first time that a fatality figure at the facility has been available.  

North Penn Now previously reported that ManorCare Montgomeryville told at least two families of residents on May 11 that of 85 positive cases at the facility found by mass testing, 77 were considered recovered from the virus and 8 were still positive and symptomatic.

But the Intelligencer report also reveals discrepancies in those figures: The same day, a listing of cases at all facilities nationwide posted by ManorCare reported 66 recovered and 11 still positive at Montgomeryville.

Overall, long-term care and congregate living facilities have been particularly hard-hit during the crisis. In Montgomery County, as of Friday afternoon,  94 of the county’s long-term care and congregate living facilities reported 1,634 positive cases among residents and 595 positive cases among staff members. The countywide death toll from the coronavirus now stands at 467, of which 407 (87%) have come from residents of long-term care and congregate living facilities.

Figures from individual long-term care facilities have been difficult if not impossible to come by, but that’s about to change. On Monday, Pennsylvania says it will start releasing numbers of infections and deaths by facility.

See also:

ManorCare Montgomeryville Reports That 77 Of 85 COVID-19 Cases Have Recovered

Elm Terrace Reports 17 Cases, 2 Deaths As Facility Deals With Coronavirus

Gwynedd Square Nursing Center Confirms Multiple Coronavirus Cases, Deaths Among Residents

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