Lansdale Officials Sign Declaration of Disaster Emergency Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

Based on an assessment of current conditions, and in close cooperation with Lansdale Borough’s Emergency Management personnel, Lansdale Mayor Garry Herbert and Borough Council President Denton Burnell have signed a temporary Declaration of Disaster Emergency.

“Communities are built upon, and defined by, the challenges we overcome together,” said Herbert. “How we react now, in this moment, will have real implications on the outcome of this pandemic. For that reason, I am asking that everyone be extra cautious and to treat this event with the severity it deserves by adhering to the CDC recommendations. Together, we will see this out, and together, we will share better days ahead.

Officials said that in signing the declaration, the borough is enabled to take advantage of any state or federal funding opportunities, should they become available. The declaration also allows borough officials to act as necessary to meet the current demands of their emergency response, including:

  • The employment of temporary workers
  • Rental of equipment
  • Purchase of supplies and materials
  • Entering into contracts and agreements for the performance of public work, as may be required due to the emergency.

The declaration allows those actions to be accomplished without regard to time-consuming procedures and formalities normally prescribed by law, with the exception of mandatory constitutional requirements, officials said.

The declaration reads, in full:

WHEREAS, as novel coronavirus (known as “COVID-19”) emerged in Wuhan, China, began infecting humans in December 2019, and has since spread to 114 countries, including the United States, and more specifically, residents of Montgomery County; and

WHEREAS, on March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic and is “deeply concerned both by the alarming levels of spread and severity”; and

WHEREAS, while it is anticipated that a high percentage of those affected by COVID-19 will experience mild influenza-like symptoms, COVID-19 is a disease capable of causing severe symptoms or loss of life, particularly to older populations and those individuals with preexisting conditions; and

WHEREAS, it is critical to prepare for and respond to suspected or confirmed cases in the Commonwealth and to implement measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19; and WHEREAS, the possible increased threat from COVID-19 constitutes a threat of imminent disaster to the health of the citizens of Lansdale Borough; and

WHEREAS, this threat of imminent disaster and emergency has the potential to cause significant adverse impacts upon the population throughout Lansdale Borough; and

WHEREAS, this threat of imminent disaster and emergency has already caused schools, preschools, daycare centers, YMCAs, and other places of entertainment to close; and

WHEREAS, the COVID-19 has endangered the health, safety and welfare of a substantial number of persons residing in Lansdale Borough, and threatens to create problems greater in scope than Lansdale Borough may be able to resolve; and

WHEREAS, emergency management measures are required to reduce the severity of this disaster and to protect the health, safety and welfare of affected residents in Lansdale Borough:

NOW, THEREFORE, as the Mayor of Lansdale Borough, and as Council President of Lansdale Borough Council, and pursuant to the provisions of Section 7501 (b) of the Pennsylvania Emergency Management Services Code. 35 Pa. C.S.A. 7101 et seq. and Section 10A06(b) of the Borough Code, I hereby declare the existence of a public health local disaster emergency in Lansdale Borough, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.

FURTHER, Borough Departments may, in conjunction with the Borough Emergency Management Coordinator, suspend such regulatory requirements deemed necessary to respond to this disaster emergency and to conduct Borough Business.

FURTHER, the Lansdale Borough Emergency Management Coordinator is directed to coordinate the activities of the emergency response in coordination with Montgomery County emergency management officials, and take any other emergency response action deemed necessary to respond to this public health local disaster emergency as permitted by law and in accordance with Chapter 37 of the Lansdale Borough Code.

FURTHER, this Proclamation shall take effect immediately and shall continue to the extent as permitted by law.


Garry Herbert

Mayor, Lansdale Borough

See also:

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