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Editorial: School District Deserves Praise for Handling of 2020 Graduation, Commencement

To the Editor:

Mr. Nicholson, current principal of North Penn High School, shared how John Wooden was a favorite source for inspiration in the 2017 senior recognition video. 

In 2020, these words from John Wooden capture the North Penn approach to graduation: "Don't let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do."

In a senior year abbreviated by a school closure, ongoing uncertainty and challenges to health and welfare in the North Penn community, North Penn High School and school district staff made graduation extra special for students and their families.

Surely graduations are always special. However, under the circumstances and in the context of multiple postponed or cancelled Class of 2020 events, the North Penn team solicited student and family input, communicated consistently, planned, prepared for and executed graduation on a grand yet personal scale, all while keeping a focus on safety required by local and state guidelines.

With the Crawford Stadium track as a “red carpet,” the drive-up diploma ceremony revealed both attention to detail and heart! Board members, administration, teachers, counselors, office professionals, facilities and operations, security and many other high school and district staff contributed time, elbow-grease and sincere smiles and waves during the processions. Shout out to Mr. Nicholson for his presence on stage over seven sessions, in early summer weather! He related in response to a written thank you, “a team effort — one done in love!”

Graduation on June 11 featured words of reflection, recognition, and celebration, as well as the broadcast of student names, showing the class of 2020 that their milestone had been reached. The tassel-turning, featuring a live appearance from Superintendent Dr. Dietrich and others from the Stadium, culminated with sights and sounds of observance around a community “uknighted” for our seniors.

To our family, the arrangements were seamless; the staff caringly attentive, and the events to be remembered. Most of all, the Class of 2020 was at the center, acknowledged with an intimate and thoughtful tribute in this unpredictable and unprecedented time.

It is with deep gratitude that I write, to spotlight all the high school and district did and has done, to maintain the weight of commencement. Nobel Laureate Malala Yousafzai recently said, "The class of 2020 won't be defined by what we lost to this virus, but by how we responded to it.”

Thank you, North Penn, for proving that is possible!


Erik L. Huebner
131 Oxford Road, Lansdale, PA 19446

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