Hilltown Police Chief Addresses Death of George Floyd, Protests and Civil Unrest

Chief Christopher Engelhart, Hilltown Township Police Department.

(The following is a statement from Chief Christopher Engelhart, of the Hilltown Township Police Department.)

I wanted to take a moment to address the tragic and disturbing events that unfolded in Minneapolis last week, and the resulting protests and civil unrest that have spread throughout the country.  

The irrefutable and graphic images out of Minneapolis have been seared into society’s collective memory and have reverberated around the world. We, too, are appalled at the callous actions of the officers that resulted in the tragic death of George Floyd. While police work can be ugly and visually offensive, particularly when viewed without perspective, there can be no excuse or justification for this behavior by the supposed guardians of our society. Though we are tasked to enforce, we are also tasked to help. Even when those two principles overlap and seemingly clash, they must coexist to the extent possible. To ignore repeated pleas for help is just inhuman. 

The Hilltown Township Police Department believes in the sanctity of life for all persons and the rule of law.

We steadfast support and defend those that wish to peacefully protest the actions of the involved police officers, the senseless loss of Mr. Floyd and to express their outrage over issues of social injustice. At the same time, we staunchly oppose those that would use this tragic event to incite violence and destruction for criminal or other ulterior purposes, under the false narrative of social injustice.

The looting, arsons, assaults and other violent behavior serve only to detract and distract from the intended purpose of the protests and dishonors the memory of Mr. Floyd and limits the ability to have a meaningful and constructive conversation.

Conversely, the actions of the Minneapolis officers are an affront to the most basic principles of law enforcement to protect and preserve life and dishonors the sacrifice of those peace officers that have made the ultimate sacrifice while protecting their communities so that all persons can live without fear.  

We are a community that must stand firm against hatred and fear that can rip at the fabric of our society, and we must be prepared to have honest conversations to resolve our differences. I assure the residents of Hilltown Township of all races, faiths and backgrounds, that the actions of a few officers in Minneapolis do not accurately represent the values of the members of the Hilltown Township Police Department, the Bucks County law enforcement community or the law enforcement profession in general.

Seemingly in an instant, the actions of a few have made the job of a police officer more difficult and more dangerous and has cracked the foundation of the bridge of trust that so many have tirelessly worked to construct in order to bring all segments of society closer together. We must find common ground to serve the interests of all, and work to rebuild the trust that was taken from us collectively. 

The Hilltown Township Police Department is dedicated to our community as a whole and all of those within it.

We greatly appreciate the many residents who have expressed their appreciation and support to the police department in the wake of Mr. Floyd’s death and during the ongoing pandemic. To our residents, business workers, friends and family: thank you and stay safe!

Christopher Engelhart, Chief of Police
Hilltown Township Police Department

See also:

Hilltown Police Investigating Arson Of Vehicle Belonging To First Responder

Lansdale Police Chief Reflects On Recent Protest, Says Demonstrators Should Be Praised

Lansdale Police Chief Issues Statement Condemning The Death Of George Floyd

Local Law Enforcement, School Board Issue Statements On Death Of George Floyd

Rep. Stephens Releases Statement On Racial Inequities In Response To George Floyd’s Death

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