Trusted Local News

Peaceful Protest Scheduled for Thursday Night in Souderton Borough

A peaceful protest against racial injustice and the death of George Floyd will occur in Souderton Borough on Thursday evening.

The rally is scheduled to be held at 6:30 p.m., and will begin at the lot located at 12 North School Lane in Souderton Borough. Organized by longtime Souderton resident Veronica Moeller, the event will include demonstrations, a march and speeches by various residents, community leaders, elected officials and more.

In a video posted to the event’s page on Facebook, Moeller stated that local law enforcement and elected officials are aware of the rally, and will be participating / providing aid during the demonstrations. As of 12:30 p.m., nearly 300 people had said they will attend with another 600-plus saying they were interested in attending.

The protest comes two days after nearly 700 people attended a rally against racial injustice in Lansdale Borough. That protest remained peaceful throughout the demonstration, with members of the Lansdale Borough Police Department showing their support for the protests by taking a knee for 8 minutes and 46 seconds—the amount of time that Officer David Chauvin, of the Minneapolis Police Department, had his knee on the neck of 46-year-old George Floyd.

Organizers for the Souderton rally said that in the event of inclement weather, the rally will be rescheduled to Tuesday, June 9 at 6:30 p.m. at the same location.

For additional information on tonight’s protest, click here.

See also:

Lansdale Police Chief Reflects On Recent Protest, Says Demonstrators Should Be Praised

Hundreds Attend Peaceful Rally In Support Of George Floyd In Lansdale, Police Show Their Support

Peaceful Rally Planned Tonight In Lansdale In Support Of George Floyd, Black Lives Matter

Lansdale Police Chief: ‘It’s Time To End Idle Talk And Move Towards Solutions’

Mayoral Musings: Improving Lansdale Police Department Through Body Cameras

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