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Round Guys: An Interview with Marcus Baskerville, the Man Behind the ‘Black is Beautiful’ Initiative

He’s a family man, he’s a brewer. He’s also the mastermind behind this recent “Black is Beautiful” beer movement.

Recently, I had the privilege of sitting down — albeit in two different states — to record an episode of Round Guys Radio: Inside the Brewery with Marcus Baskerville.

To begin, Baskerville is really just a normal guy like you and me. He’ll play Legos with his kids. He loves great barbeque, and most importantly, the craft beer bug bit him hard. During the middle 2000s, Marcus made batch after batch of homebrew, some tasty some…well…does any of this sound familiar?

Baskerville found himself landing in San Antonio, Texas. Recognizing a relative dearth of tasty craft beer in the area, Baskerville — along with fellow brewing buddy Mike Holt — decided to do something about it. The two men opened Weathered Souls Brewing Company, fusing their passions to build a growing community of like-minded beer drinkers.

Baskerville, however, planted his stamp not only in craft beer history and lure, but now in the social fabric of our consuming habits. Marcus is indeed the man who developed, organized, and coordinated the ‘Black is Beautiful’ beer movement to raise awareness and funds to eliminate police brutality and reduce lingering inequities within our society.

He didn’t intend to build a movement. In fact, ask if you ask Baskerville directly, you’ll receive a boyish shrug: “Yeah,“ he said, chuckling a little bit. “Right?” Upset and guilt ridden, his long-subdued disappointment with American policing and equality overflowed its banks.

Baskerville originally planned to release “Black is Beautiful” as an in-house fundraising brew, not unlike many that Round Guys Brewing Company have made through community partnerships in the past. However, not one to be outdone, his pride awakened when challenged to build this fundraiser into a nationwide movement.

Join me and learn Marcus’s story by listening to the full episode of Round Guys Radio’s “Black is Beautiful,” which can be found on Apple Podcast, Google Play, Spotify, Stitcher, and wherever you find your podcasts. It’s also available by clicking here.

Bill McGeeney is the marketing officer and co-owner of Round Guys Brewing Company.

See also:

Round Guys, Well Crafted Join National ‘Black Is Beautiful’ Collaborative Beer Initiative

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