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Mayoral Musings: Lansdale Police Annual Report Coming This Week

This Wednesday at the monthly Lansdale Borough Council Business Meeting, Chief Trail and myself will be presenting the Annual Lansdale Police Report to the community and council to discuss, share and elaborate on our performance in 2019 and to share our vision going into 2020.

Historically, the Annual Report was discontinued around ten years ago. However, Chief Trail and I feel strongly that it is essential that we publicly share the performance of the department, the challenges we face and the plans we have designed to overcome those obstacles. I view the relationship between the police department and the residents of our community like a complex marriage. We rely and depend on one another. Thusly, communications between all parties is central to maintaining a happy equilibrium (happy residents, happy cops…or something like that).

This report is a central piece of disseminating more information into the public about our Lansdale Police Department and how we can work together to improve Lansdale.

Below is a snippet of my opening letter and speech which will be shared on Wednesday evening at the council meeting. We welcome all who would like to attend and review Lansdale Police Department’s Annual Report.

“Our commitment to building a community-focused police department has led to massive improvements across the board. Overtime budgets have decreased dramatically, violent and non-violent crime is at all-time lows, officer training and development has become, and will remain, a priority to ensure the most educated and sophisticated service Lansdale can offer, and we have expanded and prioritized emergency management to better prepare for, and respond, to serious emergency events.

Our investment in technology, specifically smart cameras and improved lighting, will play a pivotal role in our approach to managing and responding to challenges in the borough now and into the future. Using smart cameras and artificial intelligence, we will be able to better understand and analyze Lansdale in a holistic way. This will improve our response to isolated events while helping alleviate the traffic challenges residents feel throughout the day. Improved community illumination and smart lighting will help residents feel more comfortable after hours and help bring our downtown areas to life in the evenings.”

Finally, I would be remiss without thanking Chief Trail and all the officers and staff for their consummate professionalism, service and passion for our community throughout all their years of service. It is my hope that together we can continue to build a better tomorrow by improving the way we police Lansdale today.

If you are interested in how we, as a community, might accomplish that goal, please come by Borough Hall at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 19 and find out.

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert.)  

See also:

Mayoral Musings: Speed Control And Traffic Calming

Mayoral Musings: Looking Back At Lansdale’s Inaugural ‘Inclusion Day’

Mayoral Musings: Establishing A Foundation For Future Generations

Mayoral Musings: Remembering Doctor King

Mayoral Musings: A Decade Of Infrastructure Upgrades To Come

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