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Upper Gwynedd Police Adding Canine Unit to Department in 2021

(The following is a press release from the Upper Gwynedd Township Police Department.)

For the first time in the 70-year history of Upper Gwynedd Police Department (UGPD), we will be starting a Canine Unit. There has been a vast amount of research and planning that went into this decision. We are confident that the addition of two police canines will be beneficial to not only Upper Gwynedd, but our surrounding communities as well.
Over the years, UGPD has relied on assistance from other police canines in the county. One of the many examples is the canine response to the aggravated assault against a police officer on Aug. 23 of this year. Four canine teams responded to assist UGPD in searching for additional suspects and/or victims, and the dogs were instrumental in the recovery of critical evidence, including a firearm.  

While both canines will be trained for routine patrol duties as well as search missions, one will specialize in explosives detection and the other will specialize in narcotics detection. It is important to note that this will not include the detection of marijuana, since that is permitted for medical use in Pennsylvania. Our officers are already well trained and experienced in detecting marijuana odor.

What will be the benefits of the implementation of a Canine Unit in Upper Gwynedd? Well, thanks for asking! There are too many to list them all, but here is the quick rundown.

  • Tracking to find lost or endangered missing children and adults
  • Be a highly visible deterrent to criminal activity Locate illegal drugs and making a positive impact in the opioid epidemic
  • Reduce time needed to search buildings, locate illegal drugs/explosives or to find people in distress
  • Canines are a unique tool in police work that can be recalled if a situation changes. Canines provide police officers with another tool to defuse tough situations and deter persons from committing violent acts.
  • Dogs make everyone smile!

Officer Matt Toro ([email protected]) will be the Officer in Charge of the Canine Unit. One of the best things about this new canine unit is that we will be using donated funds. We are accepting donations to support the new canines. Donations can be made via cash or checks made out to Upper Gwynedd Township or Upper Gwynedd Township Community Association.

The mailing address for both is:

Attn: Dave Brill (please add “police” or “canine” on the check).
1 Parkside Place
North Wales, PA 19454

We are also looking for material donations to construct a kennel for our new furry friends.

We are very excited to be able to add these two new members to our department in 2021. We do not have the canines picked out yet (the puppies pictured here are not our dogs, just posted for the cuteness factor). We will be sure to post updates as we move along in the process of adding these two new members to UGPD!

See also:

Upper Gwynedd Police Welcome New Officer

Locked Out Of Facebook Account, Upper Gwynedd Police Steer Residents To Crimewatch Page

Upper Gwynedd Township Police Receive Distinction As Premier Accredited Law Enforcement Agency

Upper Gwynedd Police Launch Camera Registry for Residents

Photos: Tour of Upper Gwynedd Township Police Station

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