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Mayoral Musings: Skatepark Etiquette

As many of you may have noticed, the new skatepark is officially open at Fourth Street Park. As with all new park amenities, it has drawn a substantial number of people to come and test their skateboarding, biking and other skills to our community. It is certainly welcomed that so many are embracing our new community asset and putting it to use right away (that is what we had hoped!), however, over the last several days, there have been numerous complaints about the challenges of having this park open during the current health pandemic and other concerns that have been shared with me.

The first, and the most serious concern, is amount of people gathering at the park without masks and not following social distancing guidelines. To help remind those using the skatepark, signs have been installed asking everyone who uses the area to be wearing a mask and to maintain social distancing while in the area. I appreciate that skateboarding is an active sport and that wearing a mask while exercising is not preferred. However, as someone who has worn a mask while biking several miles, I can tell you it is possible to exercise and wear a mask without issue. As a community, we must remember that there is a very real public health issue going on and that all of us are responsible for managing it. If masking and social distancing cannot be followed at the skatepark, it is likely council and myself will need to further discuss how we can best manage the area so that people are using the area in an appropriately safe manner during the pandemic. It is preferred that everyone take this issue upon themselves and participate in keeping the community safe by wearing a mask and following the guidelines.

The second issue relates to when people are using the park. All Lansdale Parks are open for use during daylight hours. During summer months, that means between around 6:15 a.m. and around 8 p.m. We have had some skaters using the park outside of those times. If you are in the park outside of those times, for any reason, it should be expected that a resident will call 911 and ask for an officer to come check the area. If you are in the park after hours and someone complains to police about it, you will be ticketed for trespassing as is in accordance with our local ordinance. This rule is mostly for everyone’s safety. If you are in the park at night and you are injured, it will be harder for emergency services to find you and help you. So, please, stay out of the park after hours.

Finally, and this is more of a request then a rule, be courteous and kind while in the public space. Parks are family spaces with children all over the area playing on swing sets, swimming in the pools, and enjoying the park in general. While I can more than relate to the desire to use expletives after falling in the skatepark, I would remind you that it might not be appropriate for everyone nearby. In general, be aware of those around you and how they might be impacted by the decisions you make. This will go a long way to maintaining a harmonious atmosphere in the park and will ensure everyone can have the fun they came for while there.

I am excited to see everyone enjoying the park and I know these are small adjustments that can be managed over time. It is just worth bringing them to the forefront for everyone as we work through these opening kinks to help improve the community long into the future.

(Mayoral Musings is a weekly op-ed column submitted to North Penn Now, courtesy of Lansdale Borough Mayor Garry Herbert.) 

See also:

Mayoral Musings: Coronavirus Relief And Refining Our Focus

Mayoral Musings: Settling In And Looking Ahead

Mayoral Musings: BLM Mural Part II – Public Forums Vs. Government Speech

Mayoral Musings: Black Lives Matter And The Liberty Bell Trail

Mayoral Musings: Managing The Financial Emergency

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