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Montco Mommy: Blame It On The Rain

Today, I saw sunshine. As I’ve mentioned it before, I know that my moods and my emotions are swayed by the weather. Most noticeably, I feel down in the winter. The now more-discussed mental disorder known as “SAD” or Seasonal Affective Disorder is surely something I suffer from each and every year.

Typically, and now knowing more about it and understanding it is coming, I can prepare for this change. I know the seasons fairly well. I know when about it is likely to impact me. I can alter medications. I can plan fun outings. I can look ahead and know I need to be proactive about the change.

I cannot, however, predict Pennsylvania weather. I try. I really do. I read weather reports. I check my phone. I don’t think even Mother Nature can keep up with herself at this point.

We are well into May, over half over by now. And yet it feels like late March at best. We have had weeks of rain. The grey days are impacting me. And, I don’t think I’m alone.

Working in a virtually retail environment, it is more than obvious that most of society is getting grumpy. I truly think it is the poor weather. If you work daily with people, especially in the fields of customer service or sales, you’ve probably noticed it, too.

As of Thursday, it looks like we at least will have some sun. It helps moods all around, young and old. I think my kids smile more. They enjoy outdoor activity. They can go to the park. We can enjoy walks.

I hope this is the first day of many to follow. Many may not notice it but those grey days are certainly a factor. Next time you feel down and low, ask yourself why. If nothing is truly upsetting you, consider the Great Outdoors. Is your mood moved by Mother Nature?

Thankfully, in more recent times, mental health is more openly discussed. It is ok to say you suffer from anxiety and/or depression. It is understood there are things like postpartum depression, eating disorders, addictions, and crippling changes in mood and mental health that can really change your life.

It is also with great thanks that most can find outlets to turn to these days, too. With services at the community, county, state and federal levels, often at no cost or low cost to those in need, folks have more options when it comes to finding a helping hand. With less societal judgement, and more access to services, I am hopeful that such illnesses can be lessened across the board.

Some comment that mental illness is on the rise, feeling that people are more and more depressed or suffering from different sources. It is an interesting commentary. It brings to mind the chicken and the egg type of discussion. Are mental illnesses on the rise, increasing across age groups? Are there more and more reasons people are finding to suffer? Or, as I would personally guess, is it just more acceptable to discuss such emotions.

I feel we are a more open society, able to discuss feelings, seek assistance as needed, and work on ourselves, not just on the outside at a gym or doctor’s office, but on the inside with therapists, medications or conversation.

No matter the reason, if you are seeking help, please don’t give up. There are plenty of resources out there. I cannot list them all here, as illness can come in so, so many forms. But a quick Google search will blow your mind. There are helping hands. Please seek them out.

Meanwhile, I am happy to put my own crazy into the world. I am not ashamed that I suffer from various forms of depression. I am not embarrassed to say so. Life is hard. Mothering is hard. And, of late, Mother Nature has not been helping me out.

See also:

Montco Mommy: Mother's Day Planning

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